7 daily habits that are killing your hair

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

Categories: Beauty | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | Life hacks | Lifestyle | People | Society | World

If it seems like no matter how expensive your shampoo is, your hair still doesn't look its best, you might want to take a closer look at your hair care routine. Simple things can damage your curls and eventually cause serious damage.


7 daily habits that are killing your hair

1. You wear wool.

Woolen coats will keep you warm in cold weather, but this material can damage your hair. Wool builds up static electricity and causes hair to cling to it, eventually leading to hair breakage. When hair gets wet on rainy days, it becomes more brittle and breaks even more easily.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

2. You eat tuna.

While tuna is highly nutritious and an excellent source of many micronutrients, it is also high in mercury. This toxic heavy metal can cause serious health problems, and many medical experts recommend eating tuna in moderation. According to the study, mercury consumption may also be associated with sudden hair loss.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

3. You dry your hair with a towel or hairdryer.

Most of us are used to wrapping our hair in a towel turban after a shower, but cotton towels can make hair frizzy and cause breakage. Because towels are rougher and drier than hair, the cuticles can lift up, which in turn can lead to split ends. Regular use of a hairdryer can also contribute to hair breakage and dullness. To dry your hair properly with a blow dryer, hold the blow dryer about 15 cm away from your hair.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

4. You use hair ties.

Tight hairstyles such as ponytails can damage your hair. Twisting the elastic puts pressure on the hair, which can eventually lead to breakage. If you like pulling your hair up in a ponytail, opt for a fabric-covered scrunchie or spiral hairband.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

5. You apply hair conditioner from the roots.

Conditioner is essential to keep your curls soft, but if used incorrectly, it can ruin your hair. If applied to the roots, it will weigh down the hair and even make it greasy. To keep your hair soft and shiny, apply conditioner only to the lengths and ends.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

6. You use dry shampoo too often.

Dry shampoo is the best hair preservative and keeps your hair looking fresh when you don't have time to wash your hair. But using it too often can cause itching, dryness, and flaking of the scalp. An unhealthy scalp, in turn, can cause hair loss and prevent new hair growth. Because dry shampoo doesn't really clean your hair, it can eventually cause dandruff.

7 daily habits that are killing your hair

7. You wear sunglasses on your head.

Putting your sunglasses on top of your head will definitely help keep you from losing them, but if you do it regularly, it can eventually lead to thinning hair. Tight glasses can reduce blood flow to the scalp and slow down hair growth. If you are allergic to the metal of your glasses, this can also lead to thinning hair.

Keywords: Daily habits | People | Lifestyle | Lifehacks | Hair loss | Women | Health tricks | Shampoo | Hair care

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