7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

Categories: Food and Drinks

At the beginning of spring, I really want more varied, cheerful in color and light food. Mayonnaise and too hearty salads now is the time to change for something new and boring.

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

Here are 7 of the best salads for this spring - fresh, easy to prepare and healthy. They will not only be a delicious basis for dinner, but also add a good mood.

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

7 bright and light salads for spring mood

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