6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema | People | Psychology | World

These mind-blowing modern psychological thrillers are guaranteed to keep you thinking and memorable for days after you finish watching.

The past decade has given the world of cinema some truly amazing psychological thriller films.

If you like chilling thrills and cerebral drama, then be sure to check out all of these mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade, as they are almost guaranteed to remain in your memory a few days after the end of the credits.


6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

1. Split (2016).

James McAvoy's central view of a person struggling with a severe case of dissociative identity disorder is strikingly perceptive in its portrayal of contemporary illusions, and Shyamalan's work deserves all comparisons to Hitchcock.

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

2. Thoroughbreds (2017).

A privileged teenage girl rekindles a friendship with an old acquaintance who has had troubling psychological problems in the past, prompting them to create a dark conspiracy between them involving blackmail and murder.

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

3. Black Swan (2010).

Natalie Portman's Oscar-winning performance as a low-key ballet star and her inner demon struggling for power have transformed Black Swan from another film into a realm of character exploration.

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

4. Island of the Damned (2010).

The plot begins with US Marshal Leonardo DiCaprio being sent to a secluded island shelter to investigate a patient's disappearance, but as you might have guessed, things are not what they seem.

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

5. Gone Girl (2014).

Ben Affleck plays the husband of a woman who goes missing, leaving him the prime suspect. Gone Girl may be driven by plot twists, but it focuses on imperfect characters.

6 mind-blowing psychological thrillers of the last decade

6. Very dark times (2017).

A psychodrama about growing up by Kevin Phillips, which will likely be the closest thing to audiences seeing a live South Park movie and all the terrifying imagery that can come from such an aspiration.

Keywords: Film | Movie | Cinema | Cinematography | Scenes | Thriller | Psychological thrillers | World

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