5 biggest sex scandals in politics

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

Categories: Celebrities

On August 17, 1998, Bill Clinton confessed under oath to his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, confirming one of the biggest sex scandals in big politics. We recalled four more scandals that received great resonance around the world.

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

1. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky

This sex scandal in the Oval Office has never been heard of except perhaps by a deaf person. The stained dress of a pretty White House intern nearly cost the US president his family and political career. However, an impeachment attempt in 1998 failed, and Clinton was forgiven by both the US public and Hillary's wife, who officially supported him during the scandal.

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

2. Silvio Berlusconi and Ruby

Ruby - or rather Moroccan belly dancer Karima el-Marug - is a participant in the notorious "bunga-bunga" parties at Berlusconi's villa. Former Prime Minister of Italy, known for his weakness for the fair sex, was found guilty of sexual intercourse with a minor Ruby and abuse of power. In June 2013, a Milan court sentenced 76-year-old Berlusconi to 7 years in prison.

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

3. Yuri Skuratov and two unknowns

In 1999, Yuri Skuratov became the hero of the first sex scandal in modern Russian history. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation was removed from office after a widely circulated tape showing "a man who looks like the Prosecutor General" having sex with two girls was shown on the Rossiya TV channel. Skuratov himself claimed that the tape was fake, and due to the poor quality of the recording, it was not possible to prove that he was on it. The criminal case was dismissed, but the prosecutor had to give up his position.

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

4. Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the maid

The head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested in New York in 2011 on suspicion of sexual harassment, attempted rape and illegal imprisonment of the maid of the Sofitel Hotel, a native of Guinea, Nafissatou Diallo, and placed under house arrest. Despite the fact that later the New York court dropped all charges against him, casting doubt on Diallo's testimony, Strauss-Kahn had to resign 2 months before the end of his term as head of the IMF, refuse to participate in the 2012 French presidential election and his political ambitions, as well as to pay $1.5 million to the "raped" maid.

5 biggest sex scandals in politics

5. Anthony Wiener and his sex text

Another high-profile sexual scandal in politics broke out recently - in July, New York mayoral candidate Anthony Wiener was "caught" in photographs of his naked manhood, which he sent to a certain "pen pal", whose name is not called. In order not to fall out of the election race, Wiener had to publicly repent of his deed, and his wife publicly supported him. Interestingly, this is not Wiener's first such scandal - 2 years ago he had to leave the US Congress due to a similar "incident".

Keywords: Relationships | Resonance | Scandals

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