4 types of products that can cause nightmares

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

Categories: Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine

If you are tormented by nightmares, do not rush to consult a psychologist, perhaps the answers to your questions lie on the surface. Bad dreams can be caused by stress at work, stuffiness in the room, some medications and ... food eaten for dinner. Scientists have found out that some dishes and drinks can cause nightmares.

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

Back in 1992, experts from the University of Tasmania, in Australia, determined that eating hot sauces before going to bed leads to problems with falling asleep and can cause terrible dreams. Continuing the research, scientists learned that an increase in body temperature is to blame for everything, which can affect both the sleep regime and the dreams of a person themselves. So, before you eat a spicy pizza at night, think carefully.

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

If you decide to "sweeten" your evening with some dessert, then be prepared that it will cause a restless sleep. Sugar not only causes diabetes, promotes weight gain and harms the cardiovascular system, but also affects our dreams. A joint work of scientists from the University of Montreal and the University of Edmont in Canada showed that 31% of volunteers had terrible or at least unusual dreams after eating sweets and cakes at night.

Sugar affects the REM sleep phase, and not in the best way. Therefore, scientists recommend abstaining from sweets at least 5-6 hours before bedtime. Do not forget that sweet tea or coffee can also cause nightmares.

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

Any carbonated drinks are an immediate threat to your calm, healthy sleep. Only those that contain caffeine are worse than just carbonated drinks – they have a doubly negative impact on the quality of sleep. Sugar affects the first phase of sleep, and caffeine does not allow the brain to rest, constantly stimulating it. Therefore, refrain from such drinks 4-6 hours before bedtime.

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

Those who like to pass the evening near the TV with beer and chips or other fatty snacks risk watching horror movies in their sleep all night. After studying more than 1,000 volunteers, scientists from Columbia University and the New York Research Center for Nutrition and Obesity, USA, came to the conclusion that fatty foods cause nightmares.

This is due to the fact that fatty, difficult to digest food, lingers for a long time in the stomach and the process of its splitting goes on even while a person is sleeping. The result is disturbing dreams or, in general, insomnia.

4 types of products that can cause nightmares

And bad dreams can also warn us that some negative processes are taking place in the body. Scientists have long identified a direct link between dreams and many diseases.

Keywords: Health and medicine | University | Research | Soda | Food and drinks | Dreams | Nightmares

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