35 subtle details in the cartoon "Ratatouille" that you probably didn't notice
Categories: Cinema | Positive | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/35-subtle-details-in-the-cartoon-ratatouille-that-you-probably-didnt-notice.htmlThe cartoon "Ratatouille– - the story of a rat who dreamed of becoming a chef and realized his dream - was released in 2007 and immediately fell in love with millions of adults and children. But even his devoted fans did not notice the many accurate and witty details that abound in this brilliant cartoon!
A thin burn mark is visible on Colette's forearm. This is a very common injury among chefs.
At the end of the film, Antoine Ego got fat. This is significant, if we recall his words:
Before drawing the scene in which Linguini falls into the river, one of the crew members was forced to jump into the pool in a chef's uniform – to check if it would stick to the body.
The first thing Remy does when he gets into the kitchen is to jump into the sink with soapy water so as not to stain the products he touches during the scene.
Ratatouille, cooked by Remy, is a real dish that was prepared for the cartoon by the famous chef Thomas Keller. The recipe for its preparation is quite real, however, the dish is prepared for at least 4 hours.
After "Cars" in 2006 lost the Oscar for the best animated film to the film "Make Legs", where motion capture technology was used, Pixar studio placed a "quality guarantee" in the final of "Ratatouille" – a sign with the inscription "Original animation! Without motion capture technology."
The dog that barked at Remy is Doug from the cartoon "Up!"
Antoine Ego's typewriter resembles a skull, and his office resembles a coffin.
After Ego blows ratatouille, his face becomes less pale.
Remy walks on his hind legs so that his front paws always remain clean.
After tasting Remy's ratatouille, Antoine Ego remembers his mother's cooking. At the same time, by some small details, it can be understood that Remy grew up in her house and learned to cook, looking at how she does it.
Voicing the scene where Remy hugs his father Django, actor Patton Oswalt, who voiced Remy, really hugged director Brad Byrd.
On Linguini's hand is a mark from Remy's bite in one of the previous scenes.
The mime appearing in the short scene appeared in Ratatouille from the "Superfamily".
The cookbook that Remy is flipping through shows the work of the Gusto team in the kitchen. So that's how Remy knows how to arrange workers, and what each of them should do!
When Linguini offers to hide Remy in his pants on the second day of work, we see the logo of the Superfamily on his underpants.
When Linguini cuts the greens, a green plaque is visible on the board, which really appears after cutting the greens.
Remy uses the cap from a tube of toothpaste as a cup.
In "Cars-2" (2011) in Paris, we see the sign of the restaurant "At Gasto– - a direct reference to the restaurant "At Gusto" in Ratatouille.
A shop with dead rats in the window really exists in Paris. It bears the name of the owner - "Julien Oruz" - and specializes in rodent control products.
Before the Ego appears in the restaurant, Linguini tries to inspire employees with a speech that turned out to be too long – as much as 20 minutes! This can be seen by the clock in the background.
In the final scene of the rat feast, you can see that thimbles are used instead of cups, buttons instead of plates, and pins instead of appliances.
For a long time it was believed that the action of "Ratatouille" takes place in the 1960s - judging by the cars, clothes and other details. But the letter written by Linguini's mother leaves no doubt that the action takes place after 2001.
Lasseter Wine and John Lasseter Winery actually exist. Even the logo is correct.
While exploring the building, Remy notices a woman pointing a gun at a man– but a moment later they are already kissing. Later, when Colette wants to hit Linguini, Remy pushes him to kiss her.
The cover of the magazine in Riley's living room shows Colette.
In "Ratatouille", "Flick's Adventures" and "Puzzle" you can see identical boxes with Chinese food.
According to the director of "Ratatouille" Brad Bird, he chose Patton Oswalt to voice Remy after hearing his stand-up dedicated to food.
On the cover of the book "Everyone can Cook" you can see the name Gusto - Auguste. In French, it is an anagram of his surname.
In the scene, Gre Remy is watching the kitchen, it is fashionable to notice spots from dried water on the window. The finest work of multipliers!
We see the lovers from the episode at the beginning of the film near the end, in the chase scene when Skinner falls into the river.
When the health inspector enters the restaurant, a leaflet with his own face is hanging on the wall. It hangs in this place whenever it appears in the frame.
When Remi and Linguini cook together, Linguini uses Buchiba pasta. This is a friendly greeting to animator Bolhem Buchiba.
On the same page of the newspaper, where he tellsSpeaking about Linguini's successes, there is also an article about Skinner, who reads this newspaper with displeasure. It tells of his fall into the Seine.
In the newspaper that the chefs read, there is an advertisement for a three-step stool from which the chef watches the dining room.
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