30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World

In our time, when the information field, so many fake news stories and fictional, created to attract attention, sometimes even real, true facts may seem to be completely invented. But life is more absurd than fiction.

User forum Reddit nick Youfellforityoufool asked his fellow redditors share the real historical facts that sound so silly that don't even seem real. And here is a small selection on this topic.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

In 2015-2016 in New Zealand held a referendum in which choosing a new country flag. And in the first lines of the charts was the kiwi bird, shooting a laser beam from his eyes. To win a little, not enough, but the fact is true and very funny.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

In 1774, the Prussian king Frederick the Great introduced the "policy-free" potato to help people survive the famine. At the time this product was still unusual, and many refused. Frederick ordered to organize a fake patrols potato fields to harvest look more valuable. People come here to steal potatoes from the fields at night (although it can be obtained absolutely for free).

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

During the eighty years war, Spain invaded Europe and passed through it, burning entire cities. Came right up to the Netherlands, it was the winter. The Dutch were not born yesterday — the first thing they have flooded the plain before the city, which had besieged the Spanish Armada. The Spaniards tried to get on ships, but nothing came of it — the water was cold.

They moved on foot on the ice — but here they waited for booby-traps and the Dutch ninja skating (!), that quickly went to the firing range, firing at the enemy and just as quickly went skating in a safe place. The Spaniards could not understand what the hell is going on. So the army skating kicked ass.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

One of the Sumerian ruler Oracle said that "the king will overtake trouble." The king decided one day to crown his gardener, and the same night to kill him, thus fulfilling the prophecy to save his life. And so they did. Only soon after his coronation, the gardener, the real king choked on the soup and died. The gardener of the rules for another 24 years.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Canada and Denmark are in a state of unusual "war" in 1984. The case of Hans island, which is contested by the two countries from 1930‑ies. Since 1984, the military of each country regularly visit the area and raise his flag, removing the enemy's flag. And leave a note with your greeting. And Canadians are left there of whiskey, and the Danes schnapps. And this is repeated again and again.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The war of the pig (also known as the Border dispute on the Islands of San Juan) between the US and the UK / Canada lasted for seven years. The confrontation began in 1859 because of pigs shot in the disputed area on the Islands of San Juan. Order of battle consisted of 2600 soldiers of infantry, five powerful ships of the line and nearly a hundred guns.

But, fortunately, serious fighting did not happen. In fact, it was the only wound Royal marine was hit in the eye by a stone thrown from the American trenches. He was taken to the nearest military hospital, recovered and returned to his unit.

Most of the energy, the opposing forces were spent sneaking through the lines to the outposts each other — to play cards, share stories and exchange American tobacco and fresh products at the rum is stolen from the British quartermaster warehouses. The conflict is recognized as the greatest war in history. His only victim was a pig.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Two French king died, badly cutting his head against the doorway. In 1498 because of this strike killed Charles VIII. In 1882 Louis III pursued a wonderful lady (who's actually tried to run away from him) on a horse and also do not fit into a door. Rather, the horse is fit and he's not — he broke his skull, and died on the spot.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

William the Conqueror exploded at my funeral. Intestinal infection that killed him in the end ate his body from the inside out. All of the gas from the decomposition of came out in that moment, when the body was trying to lay in the coffin. It just exploded from too much pressure.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Jack Daniel's (Yes, that Jack Daniel's) died from an infection of the toe. After he kicked the safe with the money, the combination of which he forgot.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The modern world and a huge part of his problems, for the most part grow out of the moment in 1914 when one 19-year-old boy shot one of the Archduke.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The person who is second in history descended from Niagara falls in a barrel and survived, and later died by slipping on an orange peel.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

In November 1932 in Australia held a war against EMUs. The reason for the operation was massive complaints from farmers about the huge (tens of thousands) in the number of EMUs, attacked the wheat crops in the Campion district of Western Australia. For the destruction of birds were used a few soldiers armed with machine guns, which gave the media the opportunity to call the incident a "War on EMUs". It is noteworthy that the EMU in the war won.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The guidance system of the satellite Skylab out of order, and the result was a crash landing in Australia. Instead of having to return the satellite Skylab was accused of littering ticket in the amount of $ 500.

After paying the fine, the company wanted to place the satellite in a Museum, but was refused on the grounds that, because the satellite fell from space, now it belongs to Australia. So now Skylab monthly pay Australia for posting his companion in the Museum.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

There was a real plan to put Hitler estrogen in our food, to try to turn him into a woman and forced to abandon the war.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

A Greek philosopher named Chrysippus died from excessive laughter. He laughed at drunken donkey, eating rotting (hence fermented) Fig.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

"Gorilla gorilla gorilla" (Gorilla Gorilla gorilla). Is the scientific name of the Western lowland gorillas.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The American President Andrew Jackson had a pet parrot. During the life of Jackson so much swearing that his pet had also learned to masterfully scolded. He did it all the time, including at the funeral of his master because of what the bird had to move away.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Honduras and El Salvador fought the six day war for a football match of July 14, 1969, to July 18, 1969. The conflict occurred because of the loss of the team of Honduras and was named the Football war.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The Russian Empress Catherine the great had a secret room, where they found the furniture with scenes of intercourse and reproductive organs. This room was found by the soldiers during the Second world war.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Benjamin Hornigold, Charles vane was an English pirate in the late 1600s — early 1700s years. One day he robbed a merchant ship solely because of the hats team because he and his team got so drunk the night before that threw their hat overboard, and now they needed a new one.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The words of Winston Churchill, he uttered when he was in the White house and the President walked in on him naked:

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Australia has not only lost the 17th Prime Minister on the beach (he drowned), but named in his honor, a public swimming pool.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Part of historians submits that, on 25 October 1415 at the battle of Agincourt (France) English archers fought with his pants down (and sometimes even without pants). Pants not worn due to dysentery, which the people suffered. It is noteworthy that the British were victorious over the armies of the French, who outnumbered them six times.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

In 1956, an American named Tommy Fitzpatrick on the dispute stole a small plane from new Jersey and then landed perfectly on a narrow street in front of the bar where he was drinking in Manhattan.

Two years later he did it again after someone questioned the veracity of his story. The most interesting thing is that the first time it ended with a fine of 100 dollars, because the charges were dropped by the owner of the aircraft, and the second time he only got 6 months in prison.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Observers of the "Titanic" had no binoculars. It was believed that they accidentally left in Southampton, but VNA really binoculars were locked in a safe on Board.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

The Greek tragedian Aeschylus died because an eagle dropped a tortoise on his bald head, mistaking it for a rock, of which it is possible to break a turtle shell.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Initially, the cereal was sold as a cure for Masturbation. The man who invented them — John Harvey Kellogg. All of his eight children had been adopted and he never slept in the same room with his wife.

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Fidel Castro was very fond of milk. When his cow, which holds the world record for the amount of milk produced per day, died, he ordered to make her a Scarecrow, to build a marble statue and publish a Eulogy and obituary in the state Gazette. Cuban scientists have repeatedly tried (unsuccessfully) to clone the cow. Her name was the UBR Blanca, meaning "white udder."

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

In 1184 dozens noble nobles from all over the Holy Roman Empire gathered in a room in the Church of St. Peter. The floor beneath them collapsed, and there was a restroom in the result of at least 60 people drowned in liquid feces. This is called a "catastrophe in the bathroom in Erfurt."

30 historical facts which at first seem improbable

Albert Einstein was asked to become the President of Israel, but he refused.

Keywords: Peace | Positive selection | Facts | Interesting | Reddit | Social

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