25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Categories: World

There is a big difference between how people behave in public places and how they behave when no one sees them (or at least they think no one sees them). Everyone has their own little habits and quirks that other people find strange or even disgusting.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

The list of things that everyone is doing surreptitiously should start with the classic nose picking. Moreover, there are even people who like to watch it.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

They used to read newspapers in the toilet. Today it is difficult to imagine at least someone in the toilet without a smartphone.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Surely everyone has already tried to find themselves online. Or he's going to do it.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Some people actually eat in bed, even when there are others around. Most of them do it when they are alone.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Whoever says he didn't do it is lying. On average, every person does this for three years after parting.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

You can carefully sweep up the garbage and throw it in the bucket. But why bother if you can shove it under the carpet or refrigerator with your foot.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

In huge supermarkets, often every delicious little thing, such as nuts or sweets, is sold in bulk. Most people, when they think that no one sees them, allow themselves to throw a nut or two in their mouth.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

This, of course, is never done in public. But at home, when you're alone, this is the best way to figure out whether to throw a thing in the laundry.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

It can be a small 0.25 liter bottle or a huge 2-liter bottle. No matter what is poured into it, everyone drinks directly from the bottle instead of using glasses and cups.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Everyone says something to things in their home, addressing them directly.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

When no one is listening, everyone is talking to themselves. Out loud. A lot.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Sandwich with sausage, peanut butter and raspberry jam washed down with a milkshake as a snack for the night. It's not a problem when you're home alone.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Measuring body parts is equally popular among men and women. Only they measure different parts of the body.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

If someone is watching, then most at least pretend to read the terms of the user agreement on any site. If no one is watching, then everyone just pokes the "I agree" button.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

This does not mean products such as pizza, which most people already eat with their hands. We are talking about such delicacies as ice cream, sauce, etc.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

No matter in the gym, in the bathroom or in bed, everyone takes weird selfies. When no one sees it.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Interestingly, not only movies can make a person cry. When no one is watching, you can shed a tear from a handball match or a National Geographic program about sea turtles.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Who didn't have a mountain of dishes piling up in the sink when no one reminded them to wash it. And then you need to soak it for half an hour to scrub it off.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

No one wants an outsider to find out what he was looking for on the web. Immediately thoughts come to mind "what will they think of me".

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Or in my underpants. Or even naked.

25 things that all people do when they think that no one sees them

Yes, there is an unwritten rule: "Quickly raised is not considered to have fallen." But when no one is looking, something that has been lying there for several hours is also picked up from the floor (naturally, at home).

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