25 reasons to visit Japan

25 reasons to visit Japan

Categories: Asia

Japan is an amazing country. It perfectly combines dynamics and stability, tradition and modernity, harmony and chaos. On the one hand, this is a beautiful country with a rich past, on the other hand, a nation striving forward, both in terms of technical development and in terms of thinking. In a word, many people dream of living or at least visiting Japan. Let's take a look and find out why.

(Total 25 photos)

25 reasons to visit Japan

25 reasons to visit Japan

1. Japan is a magical place. It is full of miracles, for example, sakura ...

25 reasons to visit Japan

2. ... golden pavilions ...

25 reasons to visit Japan

3. …and even Pokemon planes!

25 reasons to visit Japan

4. In Japan, I don't know the meaning of the word "limit".

25 reasons to visit Japan

5. Animals are treated like royalty. Whether it's a duck...

25 reasons to visit Japan

6. ... or an ordinary dog.

25 reasons to visit Japan

7. Fashion and food are best friends.

25 reasons to visit Japan

8. Like technology and food.

25 reasons to visit Japan

9. In general, Japanese food is amazing. Just look at this ramen.

25 reasons to visit Japan

10. Have you ever drank milk in the style of Disney's "aristocratic cats"? Of course not, unless you've been to Japan.

25 reasons to visit Japan

11. In Japan, you can buy Kit Kat in almost any flavor.

25 reasons to visit Japan

12. And you can buy hot food from the machine at any time of the day.

25 reasons to visit Japan

13. And yet - the food in Japan is just outrageously sweet.

25 reasons to visit Japan

14. And very happy.

25 reasons to visit Japan

15. In general, everyone in Japan is happy.

25 reasons to visit Japan

16. Well, almost everything ...

25 reasons to visit Japan

17. People are not afraid to express their ... inner world.

25 reasons to visit Japan

18. Why not dress up as Darth Vader to play baseball?

25 reasons to visit Japan

19. Or drink beer and eat sushi on the subway?

25 reasons to visit Japan

20. There are CONSTANT sales in Japan.

25 reasons to visit Japan

21. And at these sales you can’t buy anything. For example, denim thongs.

25 reasons to visit Japan

22. And (attention!) Diet water!

25 reasons to visit Japan

23. Speaking of toilets, here's a children's book about the life of a dog poop.

25 reasons to visit Japan

24. And if those reasons aren't enough, here's the main one: Japan has a Pokémon Entertainment Center!

25 reasons to visit Japan

25. And, of course, a capsule hotel!

Keywords: Japan | Japanese

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