25 photos of celebrities who happen to be the same age
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-photos-of-celebrities-who-happen-to-be-the-same-age.htmlLooking through photos and films of our favorite actors and musicians, we may not realize that some of the celebrities are the same age. Perhaps it's a matter of genes, self-care, and lifestyle. But the fact remains: these people were born in the same year.
We publish photos of celebrities who happen to be the same age.
(Total 25 photos)
Source: Bright Side
1. Eminem and Dwayne Johnson - 43 years old
2. John Cho and Jean Dujardin - 43 years old
3. Megan Fox and Rebel Wilson - 29 years old
4. Patrick Stewart and John Hurt - 74 years old
5. Sylvester Stallone and Tommy Lee Jones - 68 years old
6. Scott Cohen and Sami Naceri - 53 years old
7. Chuck Norris and Michael Gambon - 74 years old
8. Matt Damon and Simon Pegg - 45 years
9. Eddie Murphy and Forest Whitaker - 54 years old
10. Courtney Love and Monica Bellucci - 50 years old
11. Renee Zellweger and Jennifer Aniston - 46 years old
12. Ivan Rheon and Danila Kozlovsky - 30 years old
13. Tobey Maguire and Christian Nairn - 39 years old
14. Edward Norton and Gerard Butler - 46 years old
15. Lana Del Rey and Keira Knightley - 30 years old
16. Johnny Depp and Mikhail Efremov - 51 years old
17. Carmen Electra and Cameron Diaz - 42 years old
18. Frederic Diefenthal and Daniel Craig - 46 years
19. Brad Pitt and Dean Norris - 51 years old
20. Adrian Paul and Hugh Laurie - 56 years old
21. Alan Rickman and Charles Dance - 68 years old
22. Will Smith and Terry Crews - 46 years old
23. Dustin Hoffman and Iosif Kobzon - 77 years old
24. Thomas Sangster and Hafthor Bjornsson - 25 years old
25. Incomparable Vladimir Zeldin - 100 years
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