25 most interesting ancient artifacts

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Categories: History | Science | World

It's always interesting to look at a thing that people used hundreds or even thousands of years before you were born. It seems that such a thing is forever inhabited by history, and if it could, it would tell many incredible stories about legendary times. Well, let's try to listen?

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Shoes of the XIV century

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

A box for incense ointments made of ebony and ivory, which belonged to the Queen of Egypt Nefertiti (1295-1186 BC).)

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Saddle made of deer horn and linden wood, Bohemia, 1400-1420

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Scythian daggers and knives with gold plates, VI-V century BC.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Griffin head helmet, Italy, Milan or Brescia, 1550

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Crossbow of Count Ulrich V of Württemberg, Stuttgart, 1460

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The armor probably belonged to Henry VIII of England, king of England in 1509-1547.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Sacred chariot from Strettweg, 2400 years old

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

A 14th-century war hammer from the Historical Museum in Ghent, Belgium

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The oldest known map of the New World, engraved on an ostrich egg, 1504

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Scythian war horse headband in the shape of a mountain goat's head with a bird sitting on it. Altai, 300-290 BC.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

A copper alloy cat's head made in Ptolemaic Egypt

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Children's orthopedic shoes with ankle support, Italy, XVI century.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The Ptolemaic Chalice, sardonyx, I century BC Is kept in the museum of the National Library in Paris

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Donkey head bowl, Greece, 480 BC

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Plate mail and helmet, Tibet, XVI-XVII centuries.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Roman sword, III century AD.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The head of an unknown pharaoh of Southern Egypt in a white crown, 2675-2130 BC.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The sword, scabbard, and power of the Holy Roman Empire. The sword and orb were made in Germany around 1200, the scabbard with portraits of emperors from Charlemagne to Henry III – in Italy in the second half of the XI century.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Sacred talisman in the form of a sun disk made of amber, Bronze Age. Found in Denmark

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The armor of the Japanese Shogun Ashikagi Takayuji, the beginning of the XIV century.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

An axe from the tomb of Queen Ahhotep, Thebes, XVI century BC.

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The world's oldest revolver, made by Hans Stoppler in Nuremberg, 1597

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

The Roman multitool of the second century AD includes a spoon, knife, fork, awl, spatula and toothpick

25 most interesting ancient artifacts

Turkish sabre, XVI c.

Keywords: Science | History | Photo collection | World | Interesting | Antiquities | Artifact

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