25 crazy that you can only find in Japan
Categories: Asia
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-crazy-that-you-can-only-find-in-japan.htmlJapan has always been famous for the fact that there is a step ahead of the rest of the world in terms of technology. Adverse geographical location and unusual natural conditions of the Country of the rising sun made the Japanese are incredibly resourceful and efficient nation.
But sometimes their creativity and technological research a little too far, making the light appear things that Westerners find it strange and shocking. If you are planning to visit this amazing country, be sure to look below 25 crazy oddities that can only be found in Japan!
Artificial fangs.
Japanese girls literally went crazy with the pointed teeth, which in Japan are called "area". Local women are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetic procedures to affix these mini-fangs on your teeth.
Toilet Slippers.
The Japanese are famous for their strict habits of hygiene and sanitation, so it is no wonder that they have toilet Slippers, which are used to minimize the contact between the unclean floors in the bathroom and clean floors in the rest of the house.
Unusual Parking.
Japan is home to over 126 million people. Of course, space saving has become one of the main problems for local residents, and Parking is no exception. If you arrive at the Mall, you will surely stumble here on these unusual places for Parking.
Judging by the ingredients, Japanese mayonnaise is no different from usual, but its use makes the Japanese are weird. While the rest of the world usually use mayonnaise to sandwiches and salads, use traditional Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise for... ice cream, chips and even pancakes.
When rain joins a strong wind, umbrella useless. The Japanese have solved this problem with their usual ingenuity.
Girls in elevators.
In Western countries, the lifters are almost extinct. In Department stores and hotels to meet — it's cheaper. But in Japan, this amazing service is still available.
Puppy out of the microwave.
Superset can protect you from the rain, but what will you do if you suddenly become cold? Forget the blankets! Japan came up with this wonderful puppy that will warm you. Just put it in the microwave and voila!
Sleeping in the office.
If in the Western world to go to sleep in the office is considered unacceptable behavior, for which you can get a reprimand or worse, the Japanese business culture allows the office staff, who work so hard, so-called "inemuri" — dramanya in the workplace. Some employees even mimic inemuri to their bosses think that they work very hard.
Japanese whiskey.
Have you ever heard about Japanese whisky? It is certainly worth a try. It is available practically everywhere and is rapidly gaining momentum due to its quality. Brand Suntory'hibiki's recently received several awards as "best whisky in the world."
Stand under the chin in the subway.
The Japanese work a lot, so it's unsurprising that sometimes they fall asleep on the subway. To support the head, some sleepy workaholics use here is a special device.
Unusual additives for ice cream.
Japanese perverted taste well known, but some things amaze even the world. For example, you would want to try the horsemeat ice cream, cactus, charcoal or an octopus?
Device for the study of the ears.
So imagine that one day you realize that you need to look into his own ears. Pictured at the top of the Japanese invention will allow your dream to come true. Thanks to a special device, you can know for sure where in the ear canals are hiding the most large lumps of sulphur. Forward for ear treasures!
Vending machines.
At first glance, the majority of Japanese machines do not differ much from those seen in Europe or the United States. However, it is worth noting their widespread prevalence and strange content. Because in Japanese vending machines you can buy everything — from cult objects near ancient temples on mount Fuji, to fresh eggs, pancakes and batteries. And umbrellas and even worn underwear.
Children mops.
Yes, you read it right. Children mops. Just give your baby a chance to clean the house while he is crawling on the floor. This unitard with "built-in" MOP — another crazy Japanese invention.
Endless bubbles.
So many people like to pop air bubbles on the wrapping film for fragile items. The Japanese picked it up a nationwide entertainment to a new level... and came up with endless bubbles which constantly filled the air and pop all the time!
The shortest escalator in the world.
It is located in the basement of a Department store s more'ish in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. He's only five steps and a height of 83 cm. Who's to say that the lazy — the Americans?
Eerie forest for suicide.
For many, the forest is a nice place to take a walk, watch the birds or to relax with friends at a fire. But in Japan, even here, not without its oddities. Japanese forest Aokigahara is officially called "forest of suicides". It is located at the foot of mount Fuji. The trees in this forest grow so densely that they block the wind, for what it's awfully quiet. That is why it has become a popular place for suicides. According to statistics, every year, leaving a life of about 100 people.
The unusual flavors of Kit Kat.
You've heard of a chocolate bar Kit Kat, right? And you probably already knew that the Japanese like a strange flavors. Well, they've got to Kit Kat. As you Kit Kat with the taste of baked potatoes, and soy sauce? Or maybe you just want to try a Kit Kat with the taste of wasabi? By the way, these, God forgive me, chocolate is very popular in Japan.
Pillows for lonely men.
For those Japanese who have no wife or girlfriend, a local company made this pillow. Well, at least this faux girlfriend will never argue with you.
Pillow for lonely women.
Of course, single women have not forgotten.
Braille on beer cans.
When buying cans of beer in Japan, it is possible to detect these strange symbols. This is the inscription in Braille for the blind, who also deserve joy in a jar of cool beer. This is such a touching and binding on Japan's concern for the visually impaired.
Bikes, bikes and more bikes.
Due to the overcrowding and lack of space bikes long been in Japan, one of the most convenient means of travel. So these kinds of spectacles in the country are not uncommon, especially at railway stations, shopping malls and other places of mass gatherings.
Japanese toilets.
More precisely, the "Japanese spirtuality". This toilet seat, with the function of supplying water, which will wash... ass and genitals. Although the Japanese have long been accustomed to such a... ahem... care, foreigners a boost in the ass sometimes scary.
The Isle of masks.
To the South-East of Honshu is an island with active Miyakejima volcano Oyama. Since its last eruption in 2005 began a steady leak of poisonous gas, causing all the inhabitants of the island are forced to wear masks... all the time! If the air is seen a sharp rise in sulfur content, triggered alarms.
Capsule hotels.
This is probably the craziest thing in the history of the invention of the Japanese, which picked up the entire world. These "hotels" first appeared in Tokyo in 1979 and since then has successfully served hundreds of thousands of customers — from those employed businessmen to drunks who are afraid to return home late at night.
Keywords: Asia | Japan | Invention | Shock | Charm | Crazy
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