22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Categories: Positive

We have told you more than once about people with golden hands who can create a masterpiece even out of useless nonsense. This time we want to talk about people with a sick fantasy who can make useless nonsense out of anything. And at the same time, it sometimes looks so strange, wild and even disgusting that the authors just want to ask: "Why?! Why did you do it?".

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Yes, it's a knitted toilet cover. I wonder if they even wash it?

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

That's what happens when you watch too many 5‑Minute Crafts videos.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

When you want to be closer to nature.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Painting on the walls looks like they were smeared… Well, you yourself understood what.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

And why wasn't the bed hung up here right away?

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

If you take hot glue, a bunch of baby dolls and spend a lot of time, you will get such a crazy "baby tree". Don't thank me!

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

When you deliberately ruin other works of art, can it be called "art"?

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

"As a landlord, I am constantly surprised by some of the things my tenants do. I installed new cornices before the new tenants moved in, but they found it necessary to nail the curtains to the wall."

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

"This is the first time I've seen a fake library. Pieces of books are just glued to the wall."

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

And again the mockery of books. This time they decided to make a knife stand out of them.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

"That's how my father installed the router."

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Surely the author of these "pots" is a very creative person…

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

With simple tools and a little paint, you can turn an old, unusable door into an ugly, unusable table.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

The parade of stupidity continues.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

This is probably the strangest thing we've seen in a while.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

"My friend had his dreadlocks cut off and his mom turned them into a cat bed."

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

"I made a sweater out of lint stuck in the dryer."

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Harry Potter with human teeth instead of glasses. No comments.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Nice, but weird.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Appetizing? Is it beautiful? And now let's disappoint you: it's a lamp.

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

These "earrings" are attached to cows. I wonder if the girl knows?

22 very strange crafts that cause confusion and a lot of questions

Creative. But it's so pointless!

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