22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

Categories: Positive | World

If you think about it: what exactly is "The right moment?". For what or whom exactly is it suitable or not suitable? Do you need to find it yourself or rely on a lucky chance?

All of the above questions are philosophical, but even they can be answered. Here are at least 22 photos that clearly demonstrate what "the right moment" means in the field of amateur photography.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

And how often does your catch hit you in the face?

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"As a child, Dad often teased me. In this photo, he's holding my suspenders. At least, that was the case a second before the camera shutter went off."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"My sister dodges a snowball like Trinity from The Matrix."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"Some woman took out her phone to take a picture of the installation. And at that moment I just dived into the pool with balls. A couple of days later I accidentally saw this photo on Facebook, but to be honest, now it's my favorite photo."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"I asked a friend to take a picture of me, and just at that time a ball flew into my face."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"Pay attention to the falling drop."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

The dogs fought so fiercely for the stick that thunder even broke out in the sky.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

1950. The pickpocket boy accidentally got into the frame.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"I just decided to take a picture of the cat."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

Fortunately, there are also successful photos of cats taken at the right moment.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

...and not only cats.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

A drop of rain and not a drop of Photoshop.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

Have you ever seen a hedgehog smile?

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"I took a photo just at the moment when a squirrel bit my boyfriend's finger."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"My new husband for some reason decided that it would be nice to take me in his arms, standing dangerously close to the stream."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"Actually, I was photographing my wife, but this iguana also fit perfectly into the frame."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

Birds also like to be photographed.

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"I decided to capture the memory of the game, but it seems better not to ..."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"I was trying to take a picture of a hummingbird and didn't notice that my dog decided to take a shit on the lawn at that moment."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

"My daughter and I are learning an important life lesson about feeding animals in contact zoos."

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

In an attempt to escape from the scene of an accident, you will learn something else…

22 photos taken at the most opportune moment

This dragonfly has not found the best place to land.

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