22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

Categories: Children | Positive

Kids are so naive and spontaneous that sometimes they do really funny and stupid things. But they can be forgiven for it! After all, they are just beginning to get to know the world with all its features. For our part, we must help them in this. And you can only laugh quietly at funny children's mistakes and failings.

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My niece put white and black chess together and said, 'No more quarrels!'".

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"He only watches YouTube in vertical mode, and when I try to expand the picture to full screen, he gets nervous."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"Perhaps I won't save this drawing as a keepsake..."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My four-year-old son will never stop laughing at this cake with sunglasses and two mouths."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"The places where my son usually hides when we play hide-and-seek."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"I caught my nephew doing his homework in this position."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

And hide-and-seek again. This time the shelter is more reliable.

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My daughter cut $1 so she would have "a lot of dollars."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

The inscription: "Do not climb the sculpture."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My wife asked her son to take the pillow "upstairs". It was meant in the bedroom, but everyone hears what he wants..."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"He asked if it was possible to take this umbrella in case of rain."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

And hide-and-seek again.

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

Children are just masters of disguise.

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"Like my three-year-old kid eating his own doughnuts."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

There seems to have been some kind of accident here…

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My 2-year-old son is walking his inflatable dinosaur."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"If you look closely, you can see how my son is hiding from me."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My son called it art."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

The cat should be offended that he was drawn exactly the way he was drawn.

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"The best place to put a gadget to charge, right?".

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"My son just decided to wash the crayons in the dishwasher."

22 funny photos that are familiar to any parent

"It seems you need to tell your child that paper clips don't work that way."

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