20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Categories: Europe

The British network of shops of the goods for the house Dunelm conducted a survey among its clients to determine the best and the worst, in their opinion, the interior solutions of the last decade. Included in the top led lighting, kitchen Islands and home of the United space.

But much more interesting to know what subjects or details of the interior of people think the complete lack of taste and trying to get rid of them. Look and "shakes us"!

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

The most lenient, the British were to the decorative strip of Wallpaper, it's a curb. Usually this decoration is used in order to conceal the error of the builders. But the flaws need to be remove, not mask them confident participants in the study.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Next on the list is the decorative facade plaster with added sand, sawdust, shells and various small stones. Perhaps, once it looked interesting, but that time has passed.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

While in Russia, the laminate is just starting to set in, in Britain, from it massively rid of. The locals make a choice in favor of coverage of natural wood.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Bean bags and other frameless furniture at first it seems easy, but pretty soon it wears out and loses its marketability. In addition, in most cases it is inappropriate and "cheap". And what about the baggy comfort of armchairs and footstools is debatable.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

If you still have curtains with ruffles, get rid of them immediately! Worse piece of furniture, it's hard to come up with. Better to hang them instead of their usual beautiful curtains that will protect from sunlight and do not look so ridiculous.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

To lay carpets in the bathroom initially was not a good idea... Maybe the first few days, this coating will delight the owner with its warm and comfort, but for too long it will not last. These mats accumulate moisture and soon begins to stink.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Probably, this Wallpaper is available in most post-Soviet apartments, because they were fashionable and very popular. The British also liked the floral motifs, but now they are happy to replace them on a light wall without any extra patterns.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

The same applies to the "raised" Wallpaper with the addition of wood chips. With their help, you can hide various defects of the walls, but how confident respondents, the availability of these Wallpapers in itself is a disadvantage.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Fashionable in the 70's water bed, it's time to dump! The more that they're no good — they are bulky, require large power consumption, they are very hard to find sheets, well, corny, at any time, this bed can burst, the Bay, everything with water!

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

In the ranking of the failure of interior items and lace curtains got ninth place. In fact, they are absolutely useless, do not protect from light, or prying eyes of neighbors, but collect dust and require careful maintenance.

Any plates with inscriptions look ridiculous, but I especially want to highlight such inspirational phrases as "My house — my rules!", "Does not fit, kill!", "I'm good, but nervous" and the like. Do you want your guests to see that? Think again and immediately took off all this horror from the walls.

By the way, Mat reading "Welcome" too...

These carpets are very warm and can warm your feet. But it hardly a pleasure to have you on the floor constantly rolled like a lap dog. But the main disadvantage of the "shaggy covering" is not even in foreign absurdities and the difficulties associated with cleaning because to clean the debris among the long fibers is not so simple.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

An aromatic blend of dried plants or as they are called potpourri, is left somewhere in the early 2000s. well... Hardly smells richly filled with aromas of mushrooms, flowers and plants that you need for your home.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Stuffed animals and various horns on the walls look not only foolish, but also unethical. Leave the heads of the bears of the Zoological museums. The apartment of this "good" is not the place.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

If you still have lace tablecloths, napkins and other intricacies of the interior, it's time to get rid of them. At least that is what the modern British. All delicate "Rose" and "Metelitsa" neat pile sent to the scrap.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

According to the survey, the curtains of beads is absolutely useless and it should be in a landfill. This includes curtains of tubes, beads, decorative threads and other "studs". Gypsy bling has no place in a modern house.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

A carpet with an intricate floral pattern can ruin any interior, assured the British. And the Russians gradually begin to get rid of this relic of the Soviet past.

However, there are still people willing to pay big money for a sense of comfort and nostalgia. For example, in Vilnius, the couple rent an apartment in the Soviet style for 4 thousand roubles a day, and in Minsk, the man selling the apartment "a La the 90s" over 3.7 million!

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

For a long time in Britain it was very popular to decorate a bathroom in olive green colors. So popular that locals started to irritate their own bathrooms. Now 33% of Britons say: bathroom color avocado is a terrible solution!

It is noteworthy that the Russian designers with them strongly disagree. According to them, the green color is reminiscent of spring and is appropriate in almost any room.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

One of the favorites among the outsiders were soft covers and floor mats for the toilet. Against voted 33 percent of the respondents. And they said: the mats are permissible, but the covers in any case.

20 interior, which, in the opinion of the British, give a bad taste

Don't know where we came the fashion for artificial fruit, but what happiness that she was gone... the Brits Have fared about the same — almost 40% of respondents called the plaster casts of fruit and vegetables the worst of all possible interior items.

Do you agree with survey results? What furnishings, in your opinion, only spoil the room?

Keywords: Bad taste | Things | Design | House | Interior | Apartment | Furniture | Style

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