20 famous couples who got married secretly
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/20-famous-couples-who-got-married-secretly.htmlSeptember 17, 1957, world-famous actress Sophia Loren is secretly married to producer Carlo Ponti. Unfortunately, Catholic Italy has not accepted this marriage from the first attempt, and get married "for real" it was only after almost 10 years. However, the pair survived all the troubles together and were together until the end of life...
Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti the strongest marriage in the history of cinema, as it was called in the press, lasted for nearly 50 years. And it began with that young 16-year-old Sophie told his 38-year-old producer of "no."
The passion between them broke out only three years later, but Carlo was married. Hardly having received permission from the Vatican for a divorce, he married Loren in Mexico. But the marriage is later declared null and void, since he was still married! Only in 1966 they were able to register the relations officially.
Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds.They were married in the town of Mount Pleasant in southern California in September 2012.
Despite the fact that the organization of the ceremony doing Bridal Agency, about the upcoming celebration of world-famous actors didn't recognize a single one alive.
Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds.Few people remember, but just as secretly and lively, Reynolds was married the first time — on Johansson. But when three years later they were divorced, then immediately announced the news to all the journalists.
Beyonce and Jay-Z.The press learned that the stars were married a month later.
Journalists at the wedding was not, so it remains to believe the insiders: it is said that the couple ordered 60 thousand orchids from Thailand for the occasion. In addition, Jay Z gave 18 carat diamond ring worth $ 5 million.
Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem.Wedding couples was held in July 2010 in the Bahamas. In it they invited only close relatives. Penelope hid from the public and my second pregnancy.
Alan Rickman and Rima Horton.The couple met when he was 19 and she was 18 — they love each other at first sight.
Tom hardy and Charlotte Riley.
Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie hunter.
Edward Norton and Shauna Robertson.
Colin Firth and Livia Goodgolly.
Konstantin Khabensky and Olga Litvinova.
Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Elena Lyadova.
Nikita Panfilov and Ksenia Sokolova.
Jackson Rathbone and Sheila Hatsadi.
Pelagia and Ivan Telegin.
Margot Robbie and Tom Ackerly.
Amy Schumer and Chris Fisher.
Emily Ratajkowski and Sebastian bir Mcclard.
Jessica Alba and cash Warren.
Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego.
Keywords: Marriage | Wedding | Mystery
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