20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Categories: History

The twentieth century is full of inventions that have changed our lives: television, computer, airplane. However, among them there are a large number of strange things that have not taken root in the masses.

Today we offer a look at 20 strange, unusual and ridiculous things from the past, looking at which you wonder: how can they be used at all?

(20 photos in total)

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle usSource: AdMe.ru

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Before the invention of waterproof mascara, it was suggested to wear such masks to save makeup from the weather.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Now our smartphones allow us to listen to music, watch movies, read the news. But in the old days, for those who wanted to always be aware of events, such radio clips were invented.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Augmented reality glasses may have started their journey with these tele-glasses.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Some things in the past looked so ridiculous that people were embarrassed to wear them. For example, such life jackets as in this photo.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This creepy device was designed for ladies who wanted to get charming dimples on their cheeks.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This, according to the inventor, should have been a bicycle for the whole family: always with a sewing machine.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Back brush with Rear view mirror: what could be more convenient?

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Another shower fixture.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Such a surfboard with a motor was, apparently, invented for real dandies.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Just like these roller skates.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This invention never received a name: it was not possible to decide whether it was foot bikes or rollers with pedals.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Who doesn't like to read lying down? These glasses allowed you to enjoy your favorite book in bed and not spoil your vision.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Another device for those who like to read lying down.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Such an unusual bridge could be folded in a suitcase and carried with you. Well, just in case.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This strange invention was intended for Hollywood stars, so that even after the most daring party, they would look perfect in the morning.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This device, similar to a bag, was invented for real fans of the sauna-so that it is always at hand.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This amazing briefcase was invented as a defense against robbers: when the criminal grabbed the briefcase, he pressed the button that provoked the opening of the briefcase, and all the contents fell out.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

So the inventor of this simple cage offered to "walk" children in urban conditions.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

Another unattractive device for children: according to the author, it was supposed to make walking with children more convenient.

20 crazy inventions of the past that baffle us

This strange thing raises a lot of questions, but the one who came up with this brush, was sure that bald without it in any way.

Keywords: Inventor | Invention | Past

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