19-year-old girl posing as doctor arrested in London

19-year-old girl posing as doctor arrested in London

Categories: Europe | Health and Medicine

As children, each of us dreamed of some profession. For example, someone wanted to become a pilot, someone a soldier, and someone a businessman. Unfortunately, not everyone managed to make their dream come true. This happened to Kreuena Zdrafkova. She dreamed of becoming a doctor, but did not receive a medical education. But this did not stop the girl. She came to the hospital and pretended to be a doctor, performing manipulations on real patients.

19-year-old girl posing as doctor arrested in London

Kruena Zdrafkova, 19, came to a London hospital wearing a white coat and gloves. She had a badge on her chest with the name "Dr. Krystyna." She was so convincing that she was allowed to see patients. Kruena began to "treat" a man and injected an unknown liquid into his mouth from a syringe.

19-year-old girl posing as doctor arrested in London

Kruena spent almost a full day at the hospital, checking injection needles and even going out on calls with an ambulance crew. Three days later, she returned to the clinic and walked the corridors with some papers and a stethoscope around her neck. But the staff had already figured her out, and the police arrested the impostor.

Law enforcement officers found out that Kruena Zdrafkova came to the UK from Bulgaria. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a doctor, but at 14 she got married and soon gave birth to two children. She had neither the time nor the money for education. Nevertheless, Kruena decided not to give up on her dream and worked as a doctor anyway.

At the trial, Zdrafkova's lawyer drew attention to how easily his client got into the hospital. She had no trouble accessing not only patients, but also medications and medical instruments. Although the court found that Zdrafkova did not cause physical harm to the man to whom she gave the unknown drug, the patient still suffered psychological trauma.

19-year-old girl posing as doctor arrested in London

As a result, the impostor was sentenced to a year of community service. In addition, she was strictly forbidden from visiting medical institutions unless necessary. Now, when visiting a hospital, she must have a document confirming the need for medical care.

But sometimes a doctor who is a fake can be more useful than a dozen professionals. Dr. Martin Couney, who never trained as a doctor, saved thousands of premature babies in the early 20th century.

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