18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Categories: Health and Medicine | History

We are already used to the fact that modern medicine has made incredible progress, the usual drugs and methods no longer seem like miracles. But in the old days, doctors knew very little about the human body, and there were many charlatans among them. Therefore, some of the medical procedures that existed at that time were incredibly strange and painful. We should only be glad that we live in the XXI century and can enjoy the benefits of modern scientific achievements!

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

In psychiatric clinics, patients were swaddled in wet blankets to calm them down.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

A medical worker's suit from the X-ray room, presumably from 1918.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

In order to avoid the development of rickets, children were exposed to ultraviolet radiation in winter, 1925.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Dr. Lewis Sayre treats scoliosis. Photos from the time of Victorian England.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Dr. Clark's spinal device was advertised in 1878 as a device that allowed people with back problems to walk for several minutes (or even hours) a day.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

A portable defibrillator from the 1960s.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Physiotherapy, 1920s.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Operations were not always performed under anesthesia. The patients were given only a little ether before the operation, that's all the anesthesia. The photo of the amputation was made presumably in 1885.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Anatomical model of a pregnant woman, 80 - ies of the 17th century. And the coffin-shaped case served as a reminder that you can only study anatomy on dead people.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

European birthing chair, circa 1750.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Wheelchair, 1915.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Therapeutic radioactive water, circa 1928.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Prosthetic leg, 1890.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Prosthetic hand, circa 1800.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

The "Iron Lungs" apparatus, 1950s. Before the invention of the polio vaccine, young patients were placed in an Iron Lung machine that simulated breathing.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Medical heroin sold by Bayer in the 1890s.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Painkillers with cocaine.

18 simultaneously frightening and fascinating photos of the medicine of the past

Special jar for leeches, early 19th century.

Keywords: Health and medicine | History | Treatment | Strange | Retro | Medics | Procedure

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