15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

Categories: History | World

The Victorian era began in 1837 with the arrival of Queen Victoria and lasted until 1901. During this period, people managed to invent a lot of strange and amazing things that still arouse interest. What only cost some rib-crushing corsets, crippling internal organs and not allowing you to breathe.

But in this article we will not talk about cruel instruments of torture. Just let's remember what else unusual and bizarre was done during that period.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

Probably, everyone has seen or at least heard about the film with the same name. But fortunately, this device has nothing to do with it. The" human centipede", invented in the Victorian era, was intended to test masculinity: men sat on a" caterpillar " covered with hair and received electric shocks to the genitals. Those who passed this test could get into a men's club.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

This supposedly "replacement of a live horse" helps to improve mood and stimulates the proper functioning of the liver. At least, that's what the brochure says. Perhaps even then, marketers knew how to attract customers correctly.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

This is the same chair that falls when you try to swing on it! Well, well, how funny, you'll just laugh!

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

It seems that the Victorians were quite the jokers. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to explain the origin of this sleeper, which hits you on the ass when you try to lift it.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

And another prank from the British "under-educated" of those times is an altar, from which a skeleton jumps out, splashing a mysterious liquid in the face. We don't even want to guess what kind of liquid it is…

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

This is not a fence, and not a bicycle… Something in between. Let's call it zaborosipedom! The purpose of this thing is unknown! Probably, a person who is obsessed with fences and bicycles, just decided to combine two of his favorite things.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

And again jokes! This invention is called a "wireless phone" (simply because there is no wire in it). When you try to call from it, the phone explodes and pours turpentine over you. Really, what could be even more fun?!

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

People used this invention to get as close as possible to the birds and shoot them almost in the eye (just like in the picture). I wonder if they didn't know about the existence of boats at that time?

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

No one likes to lick stamps. Besides, why lick them, if someone else can do it for you... or something, for example, this lick in the form of a salivating dog's head. Brilliant!

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

In the Victorian era, smoking was commonplace, so there was always a dense smell of smoke in bars and pubs. But what if your institution has not yet been visited by smokers, and you desperately want to fill it with"incense"? That's right: use an automatic smoke production machine!

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

It turns out that to eliminate the flaws on the face, you just need to put this toilet mask on it. It is recommended to wear it 3 times a week, and if everything is completely bad, then you can not take it off at all.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

For some reason, they decided that a brand with electric heating is better than a brand heated on iron…

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

A very interesting attraction! First, sit your friend on the slide, then tilt the chair and watch him go down, frightened and hysterical, accompanied by small explosions and splashes of red-hot liquid right in his face.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

Not a cane, but a real find! You can use it to catch butterflies, play the flute, smoke opium, hide from the rain and even measure a horse! In the modern world, such a thing, for sure, would also be useful.

15 inventions of the Victorian era that shock with their madness and absurdity

The creators of" Niagara " assure that this bed will give the feeling of being on the waves of the sea, while there will be absolutely no splashes of water in the room. It's hard to believe, but the face of this guy in the picture looks happy.

Keywords: Victorian era | Invention | Strange | Oddities

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