15 environmentally friendly ways to use coffee grounds
Categories: Ecology | Life hacks
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/15-environmentally-friendly-ways-to-use-coffee-grounds.htmlEvery day around the world people drink over 400 million cups of coffee. A large part of the waste from it is thrown in the trash, while they can be reused. Coffee grounds is a valuable organic raw material that has many useful properties. It is good for skin and hair, helps to combat unpleasant odours and garden pests, and replaces many household care products home.
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1. Fertilizer for plants
Of coffee grounds makes a great fertilizer for plants. It is particularly suitable for fruit trees and flowers: roses, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and camellias. Coffee grounds add acidity and discourages pests. Grounds can be added to the compost or water for watering plants. If mixed with cooked coffee seeds of carrots before seeding, they will germinate faster and the fruit will be sweeter and more nutritious.
2. Deodorant for hands and refrigerator
Rich coffee aroma to remove unpleasant smells. For example, wet coffee grounds, you can wipe your hands after cooking with onions or garlic. And the dry-cooked coffee is perfect for deodorizing the fridge. You want to pour the grounds into a glass jar and put it on one of the shelves. Coffee will eliminate all odors inside the camera, and will replace the soda that is usually used for this purpose.
3. Repeller garden pests
Coffee smell unpleasant to some animals and insects. This will come in handy in the garden to scare away from flower beds and garden beds of various pests — for example, cats from a nearby site. To do this, mix coffee grounds with orange peel and to distribute the powder around the plants, which suffer from excessive attention to the intruders. Coffee grounds also repels slugs and snails that eat garden crops. It can be used in the control of ants, falling asleep sprawling grounds on a plot of anthills.
4. The remedy for fleas
Cooked coffee will also help in the fight against fleas in dogs. For this you need to RUB the thick wet coat of a pet after washing. The rich smell will deter pests.
5. Air freshener
Coffee grounds can be added to a vase with flowers. It is integrated into the overall composition, becoming the natural decorative aggregate, and will act as an air freshener that can be used in the bathroom, the toilet or the living room. The water in this floral arrangement will be, and therefore better use for her dried flowers. For example, lavender, which dry more aromatic than fresh.
6. Anti-cellulite mask
Caffeine improves blood circulation and removes excess fluid from the body. Due to this property it is useful in the fight against cellulite. For treatment mask you need to mix coffee grounds with olive oil, wine or ginger oil. Then apply the resulting paste on the problem areas of the body and massage in circular motions with a brush or sponge. The procedure must be repeated once or twice a week. Using a coffee mask, you can save a lot of money on the Spa, where a similar course of massage will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.
7. Powder dishwashing
Due to its coarse structure coffee grounds perfectly scrubbed the dried mud and food crumbs. It can be used for washing pots and pans instead of baking soda and household chemicals that are dangerous to humans and the environment.
8. Mask against hair loss
Using coffee grounds to massage the scalp. It strengthens hair roots and promotes their growth. The procedure should be carried out before washing the head, taking a little ground coffee and gently massaging it into damp skin water. After 10-15 minutes, the mask can be washed. Over time, hair will regain strength and stop falling out. Coffee mask is not recommended for blondes, as coffee is a natural dye and can give the hair a darker shade.
9. Hair dye
Strong brewed coffee can be used as dye for dark hair — both natural and painted. In the case of the first it makes the color more intense and deep, in the case of second — preserves the hue of pigment used when painting. Coffee grounds is also recommended to add to the henna. It gives the hair a darker copper colour, which looks noble red.
For better fixation color, it is recommended to add svezhesvarennogo coffee grounds in hair conditioner, apply it on the entire length and leave under the bath cap on for 15-20 minutes. After this, thoroughly rinse the hair. In addition, boiled coffee can be added to shampoos. Another option is to rinse the hair with cold broth of strong coffee.
10. Dye eggs, paper and fabric
Coffee, great colors not only the hair but also tissue. It can be used to age paper and make a natural dye for Easter eggs. The final color will depend on the concentration of the solution: the more coffee grounds you add to the water when boiling, the richer will be the shade. To make the dye, you must boil coffee, decant it and cool the infusion.
Then it can boil eggs and tissues. The first 10 minutes, the second half hour. Textiles to better soak in the water and in the end not to squeeze to be painted evenly. Paper enough to hold in the coffee decoction for a few minutes, and then dried.
11. Disguise scratches on furniture
Coloring properties of coffee can be useful in another case — disguise scratches and scuffs on wooden furniture. You need to prepare a saturated solution of coffee grounds cooked, dip in it a cotton pad and RUB a natural dye in the scratch until it merge with the rest of the surface of the furniture. This recipe only works in the case of dark furniture.
12. The tool from slipping on the sidewalk
Unlike salt, which is dangerous for the environment and shoes of the townspeople, coffee grounds are absolutely harmless for the environment. However, she can become a good alternative to the chemicals that are used in winter to combat slippery ice. In addition, the natural raw material attracts the sun's rays and accelerates the process of snow melting.
13. Scrub for body and face
Coffee grounds are ideal for a natural scrub. It should add a little olive oil which nourishes and moisturizes the skin. In addition, the oil will make the consistency of the scrub is more gentle and soft, without worsening its exfoliating properties. Coffee scrub is also recommended to do before going to the beach or to the Solarium. Thanks to him, the tan lays evenly.
14. Mask against puffiness of the eyes
Of the ground coffee you can make a nourishing face mask if you add two tablespoons of grounds, two teaspoons cocoa, one teaspoon of honey and three tablespoons of milk or yogurt. The resulting mass should be applied on the face, gently massaging the skin, leave on for 15-20 minutes, until the mixture is dry. Coffee mask tightens pores, reduces redness of the face and removes skin excess fat, making it opaque and elastic. In addition, coffee is removes the puffiness and swelling under the eyes as honey and milk to moisturize the skin well.
15. Natural facelift
Another mask with coffee will replace expensive cosmetic lifting in a beauty salon. You must mix a quarter Cup of coffee grounds with one egg white and apply massaging the resulting paste on the face. After the mask is dry, it can be easily washed off. The same procedure at a Spa will cost several thousand rubles.
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