15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

Categories: Beauty | People | Photo project | Positive | Social Networks

Getting old is a privilege that not many people have. With age comes wisdom, patience, and certainty that ensures stability in everyday life. Many of us look up to experienced leaders and believe they have the know-how to secure a bright future.

So, why do so many people want to avoid aging? When you look around, it seems that many are prepared to do a lot to look and feel younger. Expensive creams, cosmetic and surgical procedures, insanely strict routines—anything to keep that clock from ticking.

The people on this list might have not spent a lot of time and money on their looks, but they did put a lot of effort into photoshopping their wrinkles out. After all, who cares about how you look in real life—it’s all about looking flawless online. Scroll down and see for yourself how erasing too many flaws might look quite a bit off.


15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#1 Lady On Facebook Insists That There's No Editing, And Any Comments Saying Otherwise Are Blocked

The reasons why people don’t want to age are plentiful but many of them stem from fear. Multiple fears, actually. One big one is, of course, the fear of death.

This one is unavoidable and present in the majority of us. We simply don’t want to leave this world—there’s too much going on here. Aging is a reminder that our time is coming, and it can be hard to make peace with that. Doing so is quite a process and many go on their own personal journeys to find a resolution to this fear.

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#2 Someone Needs To Come to Take Their Mom's Phone (In The Comments She Swears She Didn't Edit)

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#3 I’m Sensing A Filter

But that’s not the whole picture yet. There are things that are associated with aging that make people recoil when thinking about it. For example, many think that getting old means getting sick and feeling awful the majority of the time. Many also associate older people with being fragile and weak.

This is not necessarily true. Sure, there are quite a few diseases that become more common as people age, and your body doesn’t feel the same as when you were 20, but that doesn’t mean you spend the whole day lying in bed. You are a little slower, but being slow isn’t necessarily bad. By the time you’re old, you learn to enjoy taking your time doing things. You don’t have the same need to rush life like you did when you were young.

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#4 Maybe Just One More Filter

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#5 I Forgot What She Really Looked Like

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#6 “Ugly Sweater Dinner Date!” Dear God... I Didn’t Need To Sleep Tonight Anyway

Many people also believe that older folks are doomed to be lonely. That’s a fair take as they are at risk of feeling isolated from the world. But if you continuously make an effort to keep the people around you, you will not become a solitary island with no one to talk to. Foster your relationships right now and be open to new ones, and you won’t need to fear abandonment.

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#7 Came Across This Gem Looking At Dress Reviews

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#8 Posted vs. Tagged Videos

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#9 It’s A Helluva Drug

People also worry that their cognitive abilities will decline with age. Again, age-related forgetfulness is a thing, there’s no denying that. But should it really be feared? Not so much. It’s not like you don’t have any memory lapses now. 

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#10 She's 50 Years Old And Photoshops Herself To Look Like She's In Her Late 20s. Women, There Is Nothing Wrong With Looking Your Age. You're Not Expected To Look Like A 20-Year-Old Forever

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#11 Claims It's All Makeup And Expensive Wigs

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#12 Croatian Singer. Yes This Is The Same Person

Sometimes you forget where you put your keys or maybe you don’t instantly recall the name of a new colleague, but it doesn’t ruin your day. It’s just an inconvenience you overcome. Sure, doing crosswords and continuing to learn new things is important to keep the mind sharp, but you also have to accept that it might not be as sharp as it was when you were young.

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#13 Time Travel's Real

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#14 Instagram vs. Reality...TV

15 Embarrassing Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of People Trying To Hide Their Age

#15 Same Person - Instagram & Screenshot On Television

Then, there’s the obvious fear—looking old. The wrinkles, the grey hair—the evidence that your body is in decline. With all these fears connected to it, it’s no surprise one would love to hide them. Add to that the fact that our society equates beauty with youth and you’ll understand why celebrities inject themselves with all sorts of concoctions to look younger.

Keywords: Embarrassing filters | Beauty filters | Beauty | Transformations | Fake beauty

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