15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

Categories: Animals | Beauty | Nature | Photo project | Society | World

We all have pets we love, like puppies, kittens, or maybe a guinea pig. But you probably didn't know how many other cute animals live in the world. Here are 15 of the cutest animals you ever knew existed.


15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

1. Tanuki.

Native to East Asia, tanuki may look like a raccoon, but they are more closely related to wolves. They are especially popular in Japan and it's easy to see why. Their cute looks make them easy targets for hugs.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

2. Potto.

Small, nocturnal, and with big eyes, the potto is a cute animal that lives in the rainforests of the world. Their adorable looks will probably melt someone's heart as well.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

3. Klipspringer.

Living in Africa, clipspringers look like pygmy antelopes.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

4. Gobi jerboa.

These tiny rodents live in the harsh environment of the Gobi desert. Growing only up to 5-15 cm and weighing less than 30 grams, they are mostly nocturnal.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

5. Irrawaddy dolphin.

The Irrawaddy dolphin swims through the waters and oceans of Southeast Asia, constantly rejoicing and at peace, despite the fact that there are less than a hundred of them left.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

6. Slow Lori.

This fluffy guy with big eyes is not a monkey. And while it may be tempting to hug this creature, you shouldn't. It is one of the only mammals in the world that is venomous.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

7. Dikdiks.

With big ears, big eyes, and cute little horns, Dik-diks couldn't be cuter.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

8. Olinguito.

Olinguito lives in the forests of Colombia and Ecuador. This creature, which looks like a mixture of a cat and a bear, was a new discovery in 2013.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

9. Fenech.

With a small body and ears larger than its head, the fennec fox is both an anomaly and a precious desert creature. To escape the heat, they dig into underground burrows.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

10. English angora rabbit.

The giant angora rabbit looks like a pillow with eyes. Weighing up to 3 kg, this rabbit needs constant care.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

11. Ezo Momonga.

Ezo Momonga lives in Japan, and with his big eyes and adorably plump appearance, it looks like they practically invented this animal.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

12. Baby Bongo.

These creatures can be found in rainforests throughout Africa and are subject to overhunting.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

13. Comb-fingered.

Living in North Africa, crested toes are delightfully plump rodents with round ears and large eyes.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

14. Malay woolly wing.

Its name is a bit of a misnomer as it doesn't fly. But his big eyes and tiny face are definitely cute. His main ability is to glide from tree to tree.

15 Cute Animals You Never Knew About

15. Binturong.

Can sleep during the day. Even though they are considered carnivores, they mainly eat fruits and vegetables.

Keywords: Cute animals | Pets | Puppies | Kittens | Animal photos | Emotions | Beauty

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