15 Bold And Slightly Offensive Toy Concepts By Rosemberg, Tackling Censorship And Religion
Categories: Advertising | Children | Design and Architecture | People | Production | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/15-bold-and-slightly-offensive-toy-concepts-by-rosemberg-tackling-censorship-and-religion.htmlToys are an essential part of being a kid and though over time they have evolved and become more complex, a Spanish digital artist who goes by Rosemberg took them to the next level.
His latest project, "Forbidden Toys," explores themes such as censorship, taboo, ideology, and religion. The toys featured in this series are highly unconventional and quite controversial, encouraging behaviors like tattooing dogs or pursuing a butcher's career through a set of LEGO-style blocks. However, since it's purely a conceptual project, public reception has been surprisingly positive. As the artist himself shared: "The reaction has been much better than I expected, to be honest. I have received support from a very diverse group of people whom I greatly admire."
So, without further ado, we invite you into the gallery of part 2 of Forbidden Toys.
More info: Instagram | itsrosemberg.com
Keywords: Toy Concepts | Censorship | Religion | Toys | Children | Famous brands | Lego | Chicco
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