14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

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Every pregnancy irreversibly changes your body. And we do not have stretch marks or scars. We have always seen modified DNA. Ask any young mother, and she will count the number of things that are now for her.

We at Pictolic greet all the moms and consider them to be real superheroes.


14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

1. Motherhood changes you and your DNA.

Chimera is a legendary beast made of various animals. And we compare matter with chimeras because every child who carries a mother leaves her DNA inside her. In fact, the fruit cells get into the mother's bloodstream and stay in her body forever. Researchers claim that these cells can affect the mother positively, and negatively. On the one hand, it can speed up recovery, but on the other hand, it can increase the risk of cancer.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

2. The child can try what his mother is.

Studies show that it is the mother who gives the aroma to amniotic fluid. Something a child swallows several times a day. In fact, the child can feel the taste that his mother is, inside the womb.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

3. Kissing babies is more "healing" than we think.

Any young mom will tell you that the desire to kiss a newborn is very strong. It is an innate and biological nature. And science says that when mothers kiss their babies, it's not just love, it's medicine. In the body of the mother, samples of pathogens are found on the face of the child, and in her own body, there is even more magic. Especially her breast milk, the main source of nutrition and immunity for the baby.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

4. Changes in breast milk to ensure immunity in real-time.

The fact that breast milk is a booster of immunity, is well known. But immunity works in real-time. When the mother kisses her baby, her body learns what disease-causing microorganisms are in the baby, and the breast milk changes to adapt to the problem.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

5. Pregnant women produce a huge amount of estrogen.

Pregnancy brings the female body to the limit. The uterus is enlarged 500 times by comparison with the normal size, and after birth, it is compressed again. The volume of blood increases, and the heart also expands slightly. And not only that, a woman produces more estrogen for one pregnancy than for the rest of her life, if she never got pregnant.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

6. Mother's smile is almost magical.

Moms are close to witchcraft, as are their smiles or attachments. Although you need a mother at any age, it is the helpless baby more than everything depends on your mother. Studies show that when mothers smile, sneeze and show attachment to their babies, their heartbeat is synchronized with one and the same rhythm. Therefore, if the child is upset, it calms him.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

7. Carrying boys can cause you even more nausea.

The study showed that the mothers, carrying the boys, often experience nausea in the second and third trimesters.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

8. Brain fog in mom is quite real.

If you see that new moms look lost, then this is a scientific reason. Every pregnancy affects the brain of a woman and forces her to lose gray matter. The effect lasts for about 2 years. Science claims that this temporary phenomenon attracts and moms with their babies.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

9. The voice of the mother calms down, like an embrace.

The investigation showed that the mother's voice, even on the phone, calms down, as an ad. Researchers presented a group of girls with stress and then forced half of them to talk to their mothers, and the other half - with other members of the family. The girls, talking to the mothers, calmed down a bit faster.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

10. Mladens can cry in the morning.

The first cry of a child is not a post-natal cry, studies show that a child can express dissatisfaction in the womb. It can occur as early as 28 weeks of pregnancy.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

11. Pregnancy makes women vulnerable to tooth decay.

Pregnant women are exposed to the risk of caries, and there are many reasons for that. Some women with an addiction to sweets can add not only a change of diet due to traction to sweets but also hormones that cause elevated acidity.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

12. The first milk bottles started to be used 7000 years ago.

It turns out that the debates about the breast and the bottle are prehistoric. And moms then were also quite inventive. Researchers have found small clay vessels, some of which were made in the form of mythical animals with hands and feet, with traces of milk in them.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

13. Glacial period made human breast milk more nutritious.

People need sunlight to survive because our body synthesizes vitamin D only in the sun. Presumably, the last ice age should have destroyed us because the newborns did not get vitamin D, taking into account the strong cold and lack of sunlight. Scientists believe that genetic correction occurred, and mothers were able to transfer vitamin D and essential fatty acids to their newborns, and this could guarantee human survival.

14 amazing facts about motherhood that mothers prove to be superheroes themselves

14. The majority of mammals do not carry their young left.

Human mothers and even some mammals give their babies to the left side of the body, closer to the heart. It is independent of that, mama-levsha or pravsha. Science claims that all sensory information, coming from the left part of the body, is processed in the right part of the brain.

Keywords: Facts | Motherhood | Mothers | Pregnancy | Body | Stretch marks | Scars | DNA | Superheroes | Children

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