12-year-old she gave birth to twins from the abuser because of the denial of legal abortion

12-year-old she gave birth to twins from the abuser because of the denial of legal abortion

Categories: Children | Health and Medicine

Argentina is a country of strict Catholic mores, where abortions are outlawed. This allowed the termination of pregnancy in two cases, for medical reasons, if the woman's life is in danger, and after the rape. But as it turned out, the government and physicians can ignore this rule. On 29 November, because of the refusal of doctors to have an abortion, 12-year-old victim of a rapist gave birth to twins.

12-year-old she gave birth to twins from the abuser because of the denial of legal abortion

12-year-old woman gave birth to twins at the clinic Hector Quintana in the Argentine city of San Salvador. For physiological reasons, rody could not pass in a natural way, and the doctors did young patient cesarean section. Journalists have found out that the child was in the hospital at the time when it was still possible to have an abortion and he had the police and other agencies about the incident of sexual crime.

Clinic Hector Quintana in San Salvador

Despite this, the doctors of the clinic of Hector Quintana, under various pretexts, refused to abortion until then, until it became impossible. As a result, the girl had to go through a caesarean section, as a regular birth threatened the lives and health.

It is known that the child was deprived of parental care because of their "legal status". This means that parents denied their rights or they are in prison. The interests of a minor rape victim was represented by a Commissioner, appointed by the authorities of the province, which also failed to exercise due diligence, ensuring the realization of the right of his ward on abortion.

12-year-old she gave birth to twins from the abuser because of the denial of legal abortion

Meeting with the requirement to legalize abortion. Buenos Aires

Media representatives conducted its own investigation and found out that the girl had help from police experts and the opinion of the National management sexual health of Argentina about the urgent need for abortion. According to the Protocol UNICEF-supported country, that is enough.

12-year-old she gave birth to twins from the abuser because of the denial of legal abortion

The chamber in which there is a young woman in labor

Lawyers representing the interests of the child, argue that labor has caused serious damage to the psyche of the girl. First, she was forced to give birth to children from the rapist, and, secondly, her life is put in danger during abdominal surgery, which is a cesarean section. Not to mention the fact that the body of the patient for life will have a scar reminding you of this terrible case.

In Argentina this is not the first time. In March 2019, 11-year-old girl also had a baby with boyfriend his grandmother due to denial of medical care. Then the country was gripped by mass demonstrations demanding to bring to justice the perpetrators and to allow abortions.

Keywords: Abortion | Argentina | Doctors | Violence | Protests | Child

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