12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Categories: Science

Do you remember school chemistry lessons? All these crystal lattices, mass fractions, subtleties of alcohol oxidation… But the melancholy was removed by hand when the teacher began to make experiments. Sometimes she got really powerful performances. It's a pity, Marya Ivanovna was limited by the school curriculum. Provided the necessary materials are available, chemists can create real magic. 

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

What happens when mercury and aluminum meet.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Blood causes violent emotions in hydrogen peroxide.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Iron in a solution of copper sulfate.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Coca-Cola, slightly diluted with chlorine.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Crystallization of sodium acetate.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Phosphorus and oxygen.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

The reaction of nitroaniline and concentrated sulfuric acid.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Gallium is being bullied over an aluminum can.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

The reaction is called "Toothpaste for an elephant." Rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide with the addition of potassium iodide as a catalyst.

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Sodium polyacrylate absorbs water

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Isocyanate and polyol

12 chemical reactions that are more like magic

Decomposition of mercury thiocyanate after heating

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