12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Categories: Celebrities | Positive

We all have at least once fantasized about a meeting with his idol. And usually in our dreams everything looks so perfect that it seems in real life that just could not happen.

Below you will see how often fans meet celebrities, and what fun photos they can happen if something goes wrong.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Such a reaction is waiting for all the girls kiss Zac Efron.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

These girls are definitely excited about meeting Benedict Cumberbatch.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Russell Brand and his awkward and very strange photo with a fan.

A fan of comedian Alfonso Ribeiro danced him a famous author, but he just looked at him.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Katy Perry posing with a large tattoo with his image on the back of an equally big fans.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Cole Sprous photographed like a girl "Googles" his name, to make sure that do it she just saw in the store.12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Is a fan of Chloe Kardashian, it seems, a little shocked by the celebrity sighting. However, no less than most girls...

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Where it looks the Luke Wilson?

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

This guy was waiting for Britney Spears to do her photos, but did not wait and fell asleep. When Britney came, someone told her about it and she decided not to deprive the guy of his dreams.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Singer Shawn Mendes accidentally dropped the phone her boyfriend and was relieved when he realized that he was all right.

12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

This photograph is so dramatic that don't even require a signature...12 celebrities who made a very funny selfie with his fans

Smartphone fan of Cristiano Ronaldo has stopped working just at the right time. Just look at how many experiences!

Keywords: Star | Idol | Fans | Selfie | Photos | Showbiz

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