10 ways to invigorate your mind
Categories: Health and Medicine | Life hacks
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-ways-to-invigorate-your-mind.htmlThe human brain contains more than 80 billion neurons, and its mass is approximately 2% of the mass of the entire body. For its vital activity, our brain requires almost 20% of all energy coming from food. Moreover, the human brain shows such “gluttony” even when it doesn’t think about anything sensible, but simply, so to speak, exists. We bring to your attention a selection of popular tips on how to make your brain work more productively, and not just oxidize glucose idle.
1. Exercise
We all know that exercise is essential to keep your muscles in good shape. But it turns out that this is not their only benefit. During intense movements, blood supply improves not only to the muscles, but also to the brain, which immediately improves its overall performance. Inverted yoga poses, when the head is below the heart, contribute to this especially well.
2. Drink water
Many of us simply cannot imagine a morning without an invigorating cup of coffee. But caffeine, like any other stimulant, does not last long, and when its action ends, the causeless fatigue and apathy again lean on the person. They say that if, upon waking up in the morning, immediately drinking a glass of plain water, and not coffee, this will bring a much longer feeling of cheerfulness. Water, drunk on an empty stomach, well activates the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract, without irritating the mucous membranes (as does the same hot, strong coffee), and this immediately entails a feeling of cheerfulness.
3. Activate all the senses
A person perceives colors very well, but is not very strong in recognizing smells. However, smells can be a good help to focus and invigorate. Aromatherapy experts advise using basil, rosemary, lemon balm, thyme, rose and lavender in situations where concentration is especially needed.
4. Look for the positive in everything
As you know, in a calm environment, when there is no need to rush anywhere and there is nothing to be afraid of, any work, including mental work, is much easier to perform. Unfortunately, in real life, such situations are quite rare. But if you concentrate on the bright sides, then the productivity of work will increase significantly.
5. Play puzzles
All kinds of puzzles, crosswords, sudoku and word games allow not only to “kill time”, but also provide a good brain workout. In case of illness, these activities can even help restore damaged thinking abilities. And if you like these games, then calmly indulge in your favorite pastime during leisure hours, and your brain will be in good shape even on vacation.
6. Watch quality TV programs
The statement that “television dulls” is known to everyone and has already set the teeth on edge. But it only makes you stupid if you watch TV for too long and watch everything indiscriminately. If you approach the choice of programs wisely, then on almost any channel you can find a lot of educational content.
7. Use the treasures of the Internet
Everyone knows that the Internet has any information about everything. You just need to ask the right questions. Here, take care of this. Many studies show that the process of searching for the necessary information on the Internet loads the brain even more than ordinary reading.
8. Eat Right
As the main "fuel" the human brain uses glucose. But this does not mean at all that in order to become smarter, you need to lean on sweets. Just the opposite. The most correct way to a clear mind and a sober memory is a banal "healthy diet", in which there are a lot of vegetables and fruits, and refined sweets play a modest auxiliary role.
9. Seek help from herbs
Today, both folk and official medicine know a lot of completely harmless herbal remedies that can significantly improve a person's cognitive abilities and increase his stress resistance. An example of such a miracle herb is the famous ginseng.
10. Keep learning new things
It is known that even the most “pumped up” muscles very quickly turn into saggy flesh if it does not receive the necessary load. Approximately, the same thing happens with the brain - even the most talented and capable brain, if it is inactive, will very quickly “stupefy”. To prevent this, constantly come up with some new activities for yourself. You can study foreign languages, cookery, do drawing or modeling - there are a lot of options. Just 15 minutes a day of cognitive activity will protect against brain degradation better than any medication.
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