10 unexpected facts about the series "The Game of squid", breaking all records of popularity
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-unexpected-facts-about-the-series-the-game-of-squid-breaking-all-records-of-popularity.htmlFor several weeks, the whole world has been discussing the South Korean TV series "The Squid Game". Just three days after its release, it has firmly established itself in the top ten most successful NETFLIX projects. Moreover, the series began to move confidently into the absolute leaders in popularity. We have prepared 10 facts about the drama, which has every chance of becoming the most successful TV show in history.
It's hard to believe, but the script of the series "The Squid Game" has been gathering dust on the shelf for 11 years. All this time, the author, Hwang Dong Hyok, unsuccessfully tried to implement the project, beating the thresholds of production offices. He was refused everywhere, as the plot openly compromised society. Korea.
The author, working on the script, relied on the memories of his youth. Hwang Dong Hyok faced serious financial problems, including having large debts. Class inequality is a scourge of South Korea, which they prefer to keep silent about.
The world would never have known what a "Squid Game" is if the NETFLIX channel hadn't been interested in the plot in 2019. The script, we can say, "got into the stream" — the company was just developing a strategy for expanding the production of TV series in foreign languages.
British teachers demand to ban the display of the "Squid Game" in their country. This is due to the fact that middle and high school students offer younger children to play one of the games shown in the series. Losers, of course, are not killed, but brutally beaten.
Everything happens with the sole purpose of creating content for tiktok. Videos in which children are beaten are very popular and collect thousands of likes. Teachers are outraged by this and are collecting signatures for petitions to ban the series. This seems illogical to many, because the "Squid Game" is far from the bloodiest product on British television screens.
The doll that appeared in the first series was very much liked by the Filipinos. An exact copy of it was installed at a pedestrian crossing located near a large shopping center in Manila. When the green light is on, the toy stands with its back to the transition and sings a song. But as soon as the red lights up, she turns around and starts drilling pedestrians with her eyes. It looks creepy and, they say, completely discourages you from running across the road at a red light.
Nowadays, the creators of the cinema do not particularly puzzle over where to recruit extras. Usually there are only a few living people in a crowd, and everything else is computer graphics. But the "Squid Game" was filmed the old-fashioned way, showing 456 people in mass scenes. It is also worth adding that there are very few computer graphics in the series. The creators of the series wanted everything to look natural.
The warders in the series are colorful, albeit taciturn characters. They have the most memorable appearance, thanks to bright pink jumpsuits and masks. There were several variants of the warders' costumes. Among others, it is worth mentioning masks with animal faces and scout clothing. But in the end, they decided that the faceless, robot-like guards in masks with geometric shapes look more mysterious.
Sugar honeycombs, on which the characters of the series had to scratch out the given figures — dalgon's candy. This is a traditional South Korean sweet consisting of only two components. To prepare it, you need to take sugar and baking powder in a ratio of 10 to 1. Sugar is heated to the melting point and baking powder is added to it, stirring. After mixing, figures are formed from the resulting substance.
Viewers from South Korea who watched the series in their native language, and then in English, are outraged. The replicas of the brave girl with the number 212, who took revenge on her lover on the bridge at the cost of her life, are distorted. Her statements in Korean can be called acutely social and revealing the shortcomings of society.
But in the English version they were delicately changed. When 212 says "Who could give me a chance to study in Korea?", viewers of the English version hear "I'm smart, I'm just unlucky." Agree, it's not the same thing. There are other examples of substitution that relate specifically to this character.
The heroes of the "Squid Game" had hints before each test. With their help, it was possible to determine what the next game would be. This information in the form of pictures is applied to the walls of the room where the beds of the participants stood. As the heroes retire, the beds are removed and the clues become more obvious.
On the business card that the stranger gave to the main character, a real phone number. It has been owned by a resident of Seongju for more than 10 years. After he was shown in the series, fans started calling the woman 10 thousand times a day. The room was chosen by chance and although its owner only dreams of peace, there are advantages in the situation. 85 thousand dollars (6 million rubles) have already been offered for it, but the deal has not yet taken place.
The Amazon platform offers 2000 results for the query "squid costume". Green tracksuits are going like hot cakes. The demand for white Vans slip-ons worn by the heroes of the series has also skyrocketed. Predictions are already being heard that images from the "Squid Game" will be a hit this Halloween.
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