10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Categories: Culture | Food and Drinks

Ukrainian national cuisine is very rich in varied and tasty dishes. Galushki, deruni, dumplings, banosh... All these dishes have long been known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. And borscht can generally be considered the official “calling card” of this country.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

However, if earlier the tables of Ukrainians were crowded with an abundance of various traditional dishes, then over time many of them began to be forgotten. Perhaps due to lack of time, or perhaps for some other reason. We propose to recall the most striking examples of Ukrainian culinary art, which combine unforgettable taste and traditions and customs associated with Ukrainian culture.

Tovcheniki are essentially the same dumplings, only they are prepared not with milk or water, but with kefir. First, the dough is made, from which small cakes are cut. Then these flatbreads are boiled in salted water or steamed - depending on your preference.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

While the tovcheniki are boiling, a gravy is made from onions, carrots and chicken. Finally, the finished flatbreads are combined with the gravy and mixed. The dish turns out very tasty and satisfying!

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Krucheniki are a kind of meat rolls to which various fillings can be added. One of the classic versions of krucheniki is made from pork with the addition of smoked lard. The meat is cut into pieces and beaten very thin, brushed with pepper and salt. A filling of lard, dill and garlic is placed on the surface of the meat, and then each piece is rolled into a roll.

The finished rolls are fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil and simmered until tender with boiling water, under a closed lid.

Although mazuriki are considered a dish of modern cuisine, they are not prepared as often as the same “Kiev cutlets”. This dish is a cutlet made from minced turkey with the addition of butter and hard cheese.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Minced meat is mixed with egg, cheese, butter, milk and spices, formed into small “sausages”, rolled in flour or breadcrumbs and fried in a frying pan. Traditionally, the finished dish is sprinkled with chopped garlic.

Verguny is an analogue of brushwood, popular in Russia. The only difference between them is the number of ingredients and the fact that verguns are usually cooked with lard. The dough for verguns includes flour, butter, eggs and sugar. The main feature of this pastry is its unusual shape.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Properly prepared verguns turn out very fluffy, tasty and satisfying. It is not surprising that, according to tradition, such baked goods were always given on the road.

This forgotten Ukrainian dish is made from beets and pickles. The beets are cut into slices and boiled in water until tender. Then mixed with coarsely chopped pickles, onions and vegetable oil. Season the dish with cucumber brine mixed with the broth left over from cooking the beets.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

The finished dish is placed in the refrigerator at least overnight, and preferably for a day. Be sure to serve with horseradish!

Another ancient dish, which is a thick, hearty porridge. They say that it was especially popular during the Cossack campaigns. There are several recipes for making straw, one of the most famous involves buckwheat flour and lard.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Flour is mixed with water and cooked until tender. At this time, finely chopped lard and onions are fried in a frying pan. Then all this is mixed and served to the table. It turns out to be a very nutritious and tasty dish.

Shpundra is pork stewed with beets. The main feature of this dish is that it is stewed in beet kvass. The process of preparing such kvass takes 3 days. Perhaps this is why shpundra rarely appears on Ukrainian tables now.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

However, the dish itself is quite simple to prepare: pork ribs are fried and then stewed in a frying pan in beet kvass with slices of raw beets. Shpundra is served with any side dish. It turns out very tasty and satisfying.

This dish is typical not only for Ukrainian, but also for Belarusian and South Russian cuisine. Knysh is a round pie made from rye (less commonly wheat) flour with various fillings inside. The most popular fillings are cottage cheese, onions, jam and potatoes.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

It is prepared very simply: first, the dough is kneaded, from which the balls are formed. Then each ball is filled with your favorite filling and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Shuliki is traditionally prepared during the Honey Day. These are small shortcakes made from wheat flour, baked, cut into pieces and filled with a poppy seed-honey mixture. They are also sometimes called "lomantsi".

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

This dish will definitely appeal to sweet tooth lovers. It is noteworthy that the shortbread itself does not have a pronounced taste - it is the sweet filling that gives it its sweetness.

Another sweet dish that Ukrainian cuisine is famous for. It is based on pancakes with various fillings: it can be poppy seeds, apples, jam, etc.

10 Ukrainian dishes that even Ukrainians themselves have begun to forget about

Ready-made pancakes are rolled into rolls and placed in a baking dish, after which they are filled with whipped egg whites and sent to the oven. The recipe is very simple, and the taste is truly impressive. Be sure to try it!

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