10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

People who are currently living have a much better chance of living to the age of 100 than their grandparents. Modern medicine, competent doctors, useful fitness applications that could not even dream of before — all this is designed to prolong human life. 

In our review, there are tips from people who have already crossed the 100-year milestone today. Interestingly, some of these tips contradict each other. Therefore, each of our readers can choose what he will like.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

1. Drink whiskey regularly

Samuel Ball, who is more than a century old, is still cheerful and cheerful. Recently, he revealed the secret of his long life: "Booze and a woman". The secret of longevity, according to Samuel, is a good wife, two Scotch whiskies for the night and being easy on the rise.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

2. Have a sense of humor

Emiliano Mercado, who lived to the age of 115, thanks his sense of humor for such a long life. In addition, Mercado believes that the daily consumption of funche — porridge made of boiled corn, cod and milk cream helped him to live to old age.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

3. Celebrate family holidays and engage in creativity

If you say that a diet of port wine, chocolate, cigarettes and olive oil can contribute to a long life, then it will seem crazy. However, this is exactly what is true in the case of Jeanne Louise Kalman, who lived to the age of 122 and recently released a CD called "Mistress of Time", on which she raps about her life.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

4. Start the morning with whiskey and honey

Fred Hale, who has died at the age of 112, attributed his long life to bee pollen and honey, which he ate every morning, sometimes washing them down with whiskey.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

5. Eat raw fish and buy a good mattress

Eat sushi regularly and sleep eight hours every day. This was the secret of longevity for Misao Okawa, who became the fifth person to live to the age of 117. She also said that everyone "needs to learn to relax, because stress is a killer."

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

6. Sometimes enjoy a cigar

Despite the warnings of doctors around the world, 115-year-old Christian Mortensen does not believe that moderate smoking is harmful to health. Mortensen said that it is enough to live a "healthy life" and sometimes smoke a good Danish cigar.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

7. Eat as much bacon as possible

Incredibly, but the fact is that despite the fact that it sounds absurd, 105-year-old Pearl Cantrell believes that bacon helped her to live up to this age. She just loves bacon and eats it every day.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

8. Never drink or smoke

Not everyone is suitable for the same lifestyle. Tomoji Tanabe, who died at the age of 113, claimed that he was able to live to an advanced age because he had never drunk alcohol or smoked in his life.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

9. Eat food in small portions

According to Jiroemon Kimura, a Japanese postman, it helped him to live for 115 years and 253 days that he always ate in small portions, never eating to the brim. The centenarian's diet consisted of rice, pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

10 tips on how to live up to 100 years, from the oldest people on the planet

10. Smoke like a steam locomotive

It seems almost impossible that with such a diet you can just stay alive, but 101-year-old Dorothy Howe has smoked almost half a million cigarettes in her life. "I am alive only thanks to whiskey and cigarettes," the British woman said. "My doctor said I wouldn't be alive without them."

Keywords: World | People | Life | Centenarians | Elderly people

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