10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Categories: Celebrities | Cinema

Many Hollywood actors admit that they do not specifically watch their films after the release, since they have already seen enough while working on them. But the heroes of our review were deprived of such an opportunity, because shortly before the premiere they tragically died.

Who are these celebrities who have not seen their latest paintings, read in our material.

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Paul Walker

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Paul Walker became famous all over the world thanks to filming in the Fast and Furious film series, where he played one of the main characters. The franchise was a great success, so the producers planned to shoot a few more parts, naturally, inviting Paul for this. But in November 2013, in the midst of filming the movie "Fast and Furious 7", the world learned about the tragic death of a celebrity. Ironically, Paul Walker died in a car accident.

Heath Ledger

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Australian actor Heath Ledger is remembered by most viewers for his roles in the films "The Dark Knight", "Brokeback Mountain" and "10 Reasons for my hatred". His last project was the tape "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus", which, unfortunately, he was no longer able to watch. On January 22, 2008, a man was found dead in his Manhattan apartment. The cause of death was an overdose of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

In order to somehow get out of this situation, the film crew of Voorrazharium decided to rewrite the plot a little. So, you can see how Tony (the character played by Heath Ledger) passes through a magic mirror, after which his appearance changes dramatically. In the future, Tony was played by three actors at once — Colin Farrell, Jude Law and Johnny Depp.

Robert Knox

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Actor Robert Knox died due to a knife wound he received during a street fight. It is known that the guy stood up for his brother. The last film in which the young man starred was "Harry Potter and The half-blood Prince." In it, Knox played a cameo role of Marcus Belby, which could well have a positive impact on his career.

Robin Williams

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

It is unlikely that there is at least one person in the world who does not know who this kind smile belongs to. Actor Robin Williams, the winner of many awards and awards, was often called a "sad clown". All because the man appeared on the screens in funny and funny roles, but in real life he suffered from prolonged depression.

On August 11, 2014, Robin Williams was found dead at his home in Tiburon, California. It was established that the actor committed suicide shortly after he learned about his diagnosis — Parkinson's disease. The last film starring Robin Williams was "Boulevard" — a sad story of a man tired of routine.

Anton Yelchin

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Anton Yelchin was called a "Russian Hollywood star", because the son of Leningrad figure skaters managed to achieve great success in his creative activity and starred in many famous films ("Star Trek", "Only lovers will Survive", "Terminator"). The last films with the participation of the actor were "Porto" and "To remember again".

Brittany Murphy

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

The heroine of the comedy "Stupid" died as a result of cardiac arrest. At the time of her death, the actress was only 32 years old, so the whole world was shocked by this news. The girl was found unconscious in the bathroom and was soon taken to the hospital, but she could not be resuscitated.

The last film in which Murphy played was "Don't Show It", released in April 2014. Before that, the girl starred in the films "Killer Beauties", "Sin City", "The Eighth Mile", "Make Legs" and many others.

Brandon Lee

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Hong Kong and American actor Brandon Lee became famous not only because of his star father. The man played in many famous paintings, for example, "White Fire", "Disassembly in Little Tokyo" and "Operation: Laser". The last project in which Bandon Lee took part was the movie "The Raven". It was on his set that the actor was fatally wounded.

Gloria Foster

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Gloria Foster played the role of the Oracle in the films "The Matrix" and "The Matrix: Reboot". In the last part of the trilogy, the character was performed by another actress, as Foster died suddenly from complications caused by diabetes.

It is worth noting that it was the roles in the Matrix that brought the woman wide fame. Unfortunately, her moment of fame didn't last very long.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Philip Seymour Hoffman was loved for his talent and diversity. The actor could appear in a box-office action movie, and then play a role in an arthouse movie by a little-known director. The pinnacle of Hoffman's acting skills is considered to be a biopic of Bennett Miller called "Capote".

Vladimir Garin

10 talented actors who never saw their latest films

Russian actor Vladimir Garin died when he was only 16 years old, drowning in Lake Osinovsky. Many called the boy's death "mystical", because he drowned exactly a year later, after the first frame for the film "The Return" was shot, in a similar place. And this despite the fact that Volodya always swam perfectly.

The premiere of the film "The Return" took place in 2003 at the Venice Film Festival. Unfortunately, Garin was unable to celebrate her triumph with the team, as he died three months before.

Keywords: Actors | Death | Movie | Movies

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