10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

Overeating is a problem that many people face. And all because they are constantly hungry. Even after a heavy lunch. Let's find out what the reason is and how it can be fixed.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

It has long been known that fast carbohydrates (chocolates, bars, white bread, fast food, etc.) are suitable only for short-term "refueling" of the body. They instantly give us energy, but they "burn out" just as quickly. Therefore, soon a person will want to eat again.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, add more slow carbohydrates to your diet: cereals, whole grain bread, unsweetened vegetables and fruits, legumes. Such products satisfy hunger for a long time.

Sleep is a very important aspect of our life. When it is not enough, there is an increase in the level of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, and a decrease in the level of leptin, which is responsible for feeling full. When we do not get enough sleep, the body is looking for ways to somehow restore energy. This is usually accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger and, as a result, overeating.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, develop a stable sleep mode. It is best to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Ideally, if the sleep lasts a full 7-8 hours. Earlier we already wrote why sleeping 8 hours is good, and 6 hours is bad.

Stress is another very common cause of overeating. When we are under stress, adrenaline and cortisol are released. These hormones send a signal to the brain: "the body is in danger." This means that resources will be needed to save him. Therefore, it is necessary to eat more and stock up on energy.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, find a way to get your emotions under control. Meditate, listen to relaxing music, do sports, eventually, consult a psychologist. Prolonged stress is fraught not only with excess weight, but also with other health problems.

Very often a person confuses the feeling of hunger with thirst. In the hypothalamus, where the centers of satiety, hunger and thirst are located, a malfunction occurs. The brain does not understand whether you want to eat, or drink, or whether the body lacks certain trace elements. This happens especially often when the body is dehydrated.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, do not forget to drink a daily allowance of water. For an adult, it is approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Also get into the habit of drinking a glass of warm water immediately after waking up — this will start the metabolism and give the body the necessary energy for the day.

Sometimes we confuse hunger not only with thirst, but also with emotions: sadness, loneliness, anger, longing, fatigue, anxiety ... Remember, have you ever had such a thing that you started chewing something just because you are bored? For example, they bought themselves a burger or ice cream to lift their spirits.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid overeating on the background of emotions, learn to distinguish real hunger from fleeting impulses. Replace food with pleasant events or actions: draw, watch a comedy, go for a walk, take a bath, etc.

Alcohol is dangerous and harmful in itself. But no less dangerous is another unpleasant property of it. Even a glass of wine at dinner increases the appetite at times, as a result of which we eat much more than planned. In addition, alcohol contributes to dehydration of the body. And then we start confusing thirst with hunger again.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, completely remove alcohol from your daily diet. Or at least reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

A balanced diet is the basis of a healthy body. When a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates enters it along with food, we feel cheerful, energetic and full of energy. If there are not enough substances, we become sluggish, depressed, irritable and tired. Naturally, in such situations, the body comes to the rescue and, with the help of hunger, demands to restore this balance.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, keep an eye on the balance in your diet. It should contain not only complex carbohydrates and proteins, but also healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

If you make long intervals between meals or skip any of them at all, a surge of the hormone ghrelin inevitably occurs in the body. It "informs" the brain that the stomach is empty, and, therefore, it needs to be refueled. As a result, your appetite noticeably increases, and the next time you sit down for lunch or dinner, you will eat much more than you planned.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

To avoid this, in no case skip meals and try to make the same time intervals between them. For example, you can make it a rule to eat a little bit, but every 3-4 hours. If you don't feel like eating at all, you can at least drink yogurt. Otherwise, soon your appetite will play out in earnest.

It has long been proven that it is most useful to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. But the modern pace of life is sometimes simply not compatible with such luxury. Many people are used to "grabbing on the go", which undoubtedly provokes overeating.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

The fact is that the feeling of satiety does not come immediately. The body needs 15-20 minutes for it to send a signal to the brain about saturation, which means that the longer you eat, the better. So you gradually reduce your appetite and reduce the total amount of food consumed.

If everything described above does not apply to you in any way, but at the same time you still constantly feel a strong feeling of hunger, perhaps you should consult a doctor. Increased appetite may be a consequence of a disease, for example, diabetes mellitus.

10 reasons why you want to eat all the time, and how to deal with it

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