10 most stupid world records
Categories: World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/10-most-stupid-world-records.htmlMany of us dream to be famous, but can not boast anything outstanding. Someone chooses a career, trying to achieve her unprecedented heights, someone concentrates on the works, and someone tries to stand out what sets the extraordinary world records. However, the word "extraordinary" is hardly suitable to the characteristics of many dubious achievements listed below. Let's be honest: it's 10 dumbest world records. See for yourself.
This, of course, not the sawing assistants saw during the performance of the illusionist, but also quite risky: in 2012, Bipin Larkin and Astra Furman set a new world record for cutting under the belly of watermelons with a machete. They managed to divide 48 these large berries per minute.
If Robin Bobin Barabek ate forty people, Frenchman Michel Lotito ate a plane. Since childhood he had a habit of eating something not very edible, including items from TVs and bikes and Bank cards. Well, the apogee of all was the Cessna aircraft company, which Michel took two years, from 1978 to 1980.
What about the largest dog wedding? No, it's not about what you think. In 2007, Jill Cobb led the ceremony, during which 178 dogs said "I do" and to celebrate, cheerfully barked.
The fast fill bed is kind of cool. Andrea Warner, the Manager of one of the English hotels, the fastest in the world made a huge double bed. She has spent just 74 seconds.
Filipino Gerard Jess has set a new world record with a... gases from your intestines. Simply put, Gerard farts and extinguished the candles. Well, let's give a round of applause, because he was able to put out as many as 5 candles. An amazing achievement of human thought.
Well, this talent can be even somewhat useful to the author: British teacher Jill Drake managed to shout with loudness 129 dB.
You know, to shout loudly and quickly to make the bed is still all right, because it can apply to anything in real life. And whether you love to put snails on your face? Fin Keheler, 11-year-old American from Utah, put it on your face 43 of the cochlea.
This guy has really balls of steel! Kirby Roy has sustained a serious blow within a pretty painful admission: MMA fighter justice Smith struck him in the crotch with a speed of 35 km/h and power in 498 kgs.
Les Stewart has always wanted to put some kind of record, but, unfortunately, did not possess any outstanding talent. However, he did not panic and decided to print the numbers from one to one million words. Yes, that's right, he published "one, two, three" and so on, until you've settled on the cherished goal "nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, one million". This important case took 16 years and 7 typewriters.
All finish. We reached the King's dumbest records. Meet Ashrita Furman. He got into the Guinness Book of records as the man who established the largest number of world records, including 27,000 jumping claps over the head, with a quick run for 1 mile with a baseball in hand and jumping on the smallest in the world pogo stick (stick with a spring). All Ashrita 551 world record. Okay, some of them are really impressive. Respect, Mr. Furman!
Keywords: World record | Record | Guinness | Laughter | Weird | Freaks | Humor
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