10 inventions made by Japan can boast

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

Categories: Asia | Design and Architecture | People | Photo project | Production | Society | Technology | World

What comes to mind when you think about Japan? It is a land of contrasts, where the untouched nature is adjacent to advanced technologies. Back in 1995, you could find a very popular monopod now in the book "Useless Japanese Inventions". For people who have never lived there and have not visited Asia and its customs, any invention from Japan may seem unusual. It is no less a fact that the Japanese are able to invent things that will be popular, even if it will be too late for the rest of the world.

We have selected for you unusual inventions from this amazing country.


10 inventions made by Japan can boast

1. They have cosmic chocolates. It would be a pity to eat them.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

2. Elevators in Osaka have a "rain" button, which heats up if the rain goes down the street.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

3. There is a zoo, where you can put a "hand" in the water through a small hole in the glass.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

4. This is a Japanese drone, and this is the most charming thing, which was sometimes sent into space. This is the flight around the International Space Station and the photography of astronauts and their surroundings.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

5. This is an airplane covered with drawings of Pokemon. They are very special for the Japanese.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

6. This is a home truck. In addition to the fact that they are opened, as well as all other trucks, they are also opened to the side, so that it was easy to load bulky furniture.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

7. Silent noise devices are installed in women's toilets. All because the Japanese are shy

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

8. When it rains, some umbrellas change color or draw on them.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

9. These metal poles are designed to stop cyclists who are eating too fast.

10 inventions made by Japan can boast

10. This is an exocostum, developed by Japanese scholars. Thanks to his ability to control the muscles and make them stronger, the human body becomes more powerful

Keywords: Inventions | Technologies | Japan | Asia | Advanced technologies | Japanese Inventions

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