10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

Categories: Lifestyle | People | Positive | Society | World

Did you know that December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities? These people firmly declare that they do not need us to feel sorry for them. They love to be themselves. And in fact, they won.


10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

1. Sue Austin.

Sue Austin is a disabled artist working in the fields of multimedia, performance, and installation. She gained the greatest popularity thanks to a trick in which she went underwater in a wheelchair. The popularity of this underwater wheelchair trick was so great that she performed it for over 150 million people around the world. She was wise to patent this trick in 2013.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

2. Amir Bomjan.

A boy named Amir from Palunga in southern Nepal was born without arms and legs. But this did not stop him in the least in pursuit of his passion for art. He decided to hold the brush in his mouth, and his dreams were manifested in flowers. He soon became an icon in his country and received help from the Karuna Foundation in 2015. With their help, he moved to the capital Kathmandu and gained popularity. He also enjoys writing poetry.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

3. John Bramblitt.

John Bramblitt is an American born in 1971. Unfortunately, in 2001, he gradually lost his sight after a series of severe seizures. This plunged him into a deep depression, but soon he brushed it all off, spending time drawing. It was difficult at first, but he began to distinguish colors by touching them and feeling their texture. His paintings have been acclaimed all over the world and have been exhibited in over 30 countries. His life story is so inspiring that the short film and YouTube videos filmed about him have received several awards and accolades. As someone with a big heart, he also gave free drawing lessons to those without access to an art school, for which he was awarded 3 US Presidential Awards in 2005, 2006, and 2007.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

4. Tim Harris.

When Tim served breakfast to his clients with a smile and showed extreme hospitality, no one would have imagined that he had Down syndrome. He opened his restaurant to quell any claims that people with the condition cannot stand on their own two feet. He is now the owner of Tim's Place, a popular restaurant in Albuquerque.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

5. Crystal Cantu.

Life was going well for Cristal Cantu, a CrossFit coach based in San Antonio, Texas, until 2013, when a horrific car accident changed everything and she lost her right arm. But for those who thought it would put a pause in her personal or professional life, it came as a big shock when she returned to her normal state just 3 weeks after the accident. Surprisingly, Cantu is not at all worried about his loss and in fact, looks even more motivated. After the accident, she broke all of her personal records, which she achieved before losing an arm.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

6. Itzhak Perlman.

Israeli-American violinist Yitzhak Perlman was born in 1945 and contracted polio at the age of 4. As a boy, he became interested in playing the violin at a very early age. However, he was denied access to violin classes due to the fact that he was too young. This did not stop him from learning to play the violin, and he began to study the toy violin. His talent took him to the next level and he has performed all over the world. He was also awarded the 2015 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

7. Marley Matlin.

Marley is completely deaf in one ear and has lost 80% of her hearing in the other for 18 months. Regardless of these limitations, she became a successful actor and writer. She lives in America and is an activist. She made her film debut at the age of 21 and is the only deaf actor to receive a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama and an Academy Award for Best Actress for Children of a Lesser God.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

8. Subhrit Kaur Gumman.

Nothing stopped Subhrit Kaur Gumman from fulfilling her dream after she lost her leg in an accident. It was terrible for her and her family when, due to the negligence of a doctor in 2009, she had to amputate her leg. Despite this physical limitation, she practiced daily and decided to participate in a reality show. Thanks to this show, she gained such popularity and soon after took part in another reality show. Now she is on the rise and is making her dream of becoming a successful dancer come true.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

9. Jason McElwaine.

He suffered from an acute form of autism and did not start speaking until he was 5 years old. When we talk about Jason McElvane's life, we often start by talking about his willpower. His biggest hobby and hobby since childhood was basketball. Despite the obstacles, he continued to pursue this and was chosen to be part of his school team, which is another confusing story. He was considered too young to play on a team and was appointed team manager. However, in the last home game, the coach missed Jason in the last 4 minutes of the game, which also came as a surprise to the team. There was no time to lose this opportunity and he scored over 5 three-pointers. The delighted team took him on their shoulders, and this moment was awarded by ESPY as the best moment in sports in 2006.

10 cool people who cannot be called disabled

10. Oksana Masters.

Oksana Masters can be safely called the absolute winner. She was born with severe body defects such as tibial hemimelia (resulting in varying leg lengths), no tibia in her calves, webbed toes without thumbs, and 6 toes on each foot. She was abandoned by her biological parents, and only when she was 7 years old, she was adopted. After that, she underwent several procedures and operations to correct the birth defects. Her willpower and cheerfulness never faded, despite everything she went through. She is also a skier and the number of awards she has won throughout her career is almost innumerable.

Keywords: People | Disabilities | Facts | Self-confidence | Wheelchair | Society | World | Artist | Ability

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