10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

Categories: Animals | Health and Medicine

Many have heard about this disease, like rabies, can even say that it is a result of the animal bite, and the victim will have to chop 40 very painful shots in the stomach. Perhaps this knowledge of most people about this disease is limited. Or worse, rabies begins to grow into the incredible myths that have nothing to do with reality.

Offer you finally learn the truth and find out how in reality this disease is dangerous to humans and what animals should be afraid of.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

This is perhaps the most common misconception. In fact, rabies can infect many other mammals and even some birds. Vector control can be raccoons, cattle, chickens, bats, monkeys, rats, jackals, squirrels and even hedgehogs.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

This is also true. If rabies occurs in "silent" form, the infected animal apparently will not submit any signs of illness. On the contrary, in such cases, the animals often lose their fear of themselves out to people. So the only good solution after a bite, even a healthy animal will be an immediate visit to the doctor.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

Alcohol, iodine and brilliant green, unfortunately, does not help. Although the rabies virus really "afraid" of alkaline solutions, it can manage to enter the body before you'll wash, and for this purpose it is enough even minor damage to the skin.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

Such a method of treatment practiced in the past. Modern rabies vaccines are injected into the shoulder, this procedure is virtually painless. To be effective, serum against rabies, you need four to six injections at intervals of a few days. You should start as early as possible, preferably in the first-third day from the time of contact with an infected animal.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

But it is partly true. Side effects from rabies vaccines is the main reason why you vaccinate only as needed, not as prevention. But no matter how unpleasant and dangerous these symptoms, the consequences of rabies they do not match, because in 100% of cases it ends in death, if not carried out timely vaccination.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

There is a perception that alcohol neutralizes the effect of the vaccine, so it cannot be used during vaccination and for several months thereafter. But there is no scientific confirmation of this version. We can assume that the "horror stories" invented to sure patients did not miss visits to the doctor, because it's the last thing I want to do after a great party.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

As we have mentioned, an animal infected with rabies, not always showing signs of disease. If you managed to catch him and take him to the hospital, it is likely to be placed on a 10-day quarantine, and only after that the doctor will be able to make a decision about whether you need vaccinations. But in nature, such an unpleasant phenomenon as atypical rabies — when a sick animal lives much longer than those ten days and is thus a vector of the virus. Although this is extremely rare, it's better not to risk it.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

This is only half true. First, the presence of vaccination of the animal should be documented. If not, vaccination should be mandatory. Second, vaccination of the animal should not be delayed or set earlier than a month before the incident, and to verify such information difficult.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

Fortunately, the rabies virus can not exist in the external environment, so the skin or fur of the animal it is definitely not. The virus feels great in the saliva, but to penetrate through the intact skin is not capable.

10 common myths about rabies that it is time to stop believing

Perhaps the most dangerous myth, which people have a false idea about this disease. Indeed, American doctors were able to cure the ailing girl after the manifestation of symptoms, but it is very difficult and expensive (about $ 800,000) a method for the treatment, and examples of its successful application — units. So the only effective way to avoid rabies is timely vaccination.

Keywords: Illness | Disease | Myths | Dogs

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