10 best crime movies based on real events

10 best crime movies based on real events

Categories: Cinema | History | World

Sometimes life throws these stories, which is unlike any fiction. The writers of crime films are aware of this and therefore often use in their work, Chronicles of crime and police reports. So we see films based on real events. The most known of them in our collection.

10 best crime movies based on real events

The film is based on the biography of photographer Wilson Rodriguez. The film covers the period 1960-80‑ies and tells about the formation of the gang of drug dealers and murderers in the poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

10 best crime movies based on real events

It seems that the Director exaggerating, but no, according to an eyewitness: some moments, by contrast, had to be smooth,so as not to frighten the viewer insatiable cruelty.

South Korean detective Thriller about the search for a serial killer, which leads the detectives Packs With, especially loved by the audience for comic aspects related to the work of detectives.

10 best crime movies based on real events

Meanwhile, the real history searches for the maniac was quite funny. For several years, from 1986 to 1991 he killed 10 women and, at the time of the shooting of the film has not yet been caught. Maniac identified only in 2019: as it appeared at that time he was already serving a life sentence for the rape and murder of his girlfriend.

The unusual story of a Bank robbery in Brooklyn in 1972, where the robber went on the offense to get money for a sex change operation, made in USA lot of noise.

10 best crime movies based on real events

Shortly after the robbery in the popular Life magazine published an article dedicated to this crime that inspired Director Sidney Lumetta to create a picture. The film has collected a multitude of professional awards and went down in history not his real motives, which all quickly forgotten, and a brilliant game of al Pacino.

Blockbuster marked a good game of Leonardo DiCaprio, based on the story of Jordan Belfort, who has been in prison for 22 months on charges of fraud and other irregularities in the game in the stock market.

10 best crime movies based on real events

In 2007, he published his memoirs under the title "the Wolf of wall street", where he spoke about the creation of the cult of greed and lies, typical for speculators. Having mastered it, Belfort began to earn on the stock exchange a lot of money — and in the final went down in history due to the fact that his memoirs caught the eye of Hollywood producers.

In 2004, Brian barrow wrote the book "public Enemies: the most spectacular crime wave in America and the birth of the FBI, 1933-34 G. G."

10 best crime movies based on real events

The book was dedicated to the era of the great depression,and a significant part is occupied by a biography of John Dillinger, a famous Bank robber and one of the most famous members of organized crime.

This part of the book was the basis of the script of the film, shot in 2009, where the main role was played by johnny Depp. The book is very biographically accurate, including the description of love John Dillinger and Billie Frechette. Some scenes of the film were shot in real locations where there have been subsequent historical events.

Bonnie Parker and Clyde barrow were notorious criminal couple in the years of the great depression. Their gang was robbing convenience stores, and gas stations, carried out raids on banks. Bonnie Parker before meeting Clyde barrow was a waitress, but quickly decided to change your destiny and become the accomplice of a boyfriend.

10 best crime movies based on real events

Long romantic lovers criminals were the darlings of the press about their love, which is not afraid of death, came not one article. In fact, at the end of life of a couple of sympathy for them audience faded: too much for them was blood. According to police, Bonnie and Clyde were responsible for the death of at least nine police officers and ten civilians.

Richard Kuklinski from new Jersey named "Ice" — one of the most famous serial killers of the United States. His nickname "Ice" it was for the fact that it was freezing the bodies of their victims, then to the police investigators were unable to find the time of death.

10 best crime movies based on real events

By his own admission Kuklinski killed up to 250 people, many of them are just fun. He collaborated with the bosses of the mafia was involved in the trafficking of arms, drugs, illegal porn.

In parallel, he led the life of a respectable family man, and the police for years I couldn't catch it: career killer has more than 30 years. Even catching Kuklinski, the police were able to prove only five of them committed the murders — but this was enough for several life sentences.

A story of love, jealousy, incest and death seems too insane to be true, and yet the film "savage grace" based on a true story and only follows the events of a long criminal and gossip that erupted in new York in 1972.

10 best crime movies based on real events

Barbara Daly was a provincial model, managed to charm the heir to a fortune Brooks Baekeland. Family relationships were nervous and scandalous, the pair tried several times to get a divorce.

Son of Barbara and Brooks Anthony suffered from schizophrenia, had used drugs and, according to rumors, was in an incestuous relationship with her mom, who was stabbed with a kitchen knife in her apartment. Thanks to the fine professional game Julianne Moore film, despite the scandalous topic, create a deeper and aged.

The film is based on the documentary novel by Truman Capote and tells the story of a quadruple murder committed in Kansas in 1959.

10 best crime movies based on real events

As in the film the robbers, who broke into the house, failed to find anything of value and, in frustration, not wanting to leave any witnesses, killed four people, and then started to run.

The film is based on the materials of the long and severe criminal investigation in Australia's history, known as the "Bodies in barrels".

10 best crime movies based on real events

Serial killers John Bunting and Robert Wagner took the life of a total of 12 people. The filmmakers managed with incredible precision to convey the oppressive heaviness of events so nervous and impressionable picture to see it will be difficult.

Keywords: History | Movies | World | Crime | Compilation | Best

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