
5 extinct animals that used to live in Russia


5 extinct animals that used to live in Russia

More recently, a real tiger could be found in the Caucasus; and Moscow cynologists were engaged in breeding service dogs forgotten ...

The most photogenic dogs: guide dogs, employees and just human friends


The most photogenic dogs: guide dogs, employees and just ...

The English Kennel Club is the world's oldest kennel organization, which was founded in 1873 to register purebred dogs and breeds. ...

Bird genocide: how nature took revenge on the Chinese for the extermination of sparrows


Bird genocide: how nature took revenge on the Chinese for the ...

On February 12, 1958, Chinese leader Mao Zedong signed a historic decree on the extermination of all rats, flies, mosquitoes and ...

Alberto the cat with an unusual "mustache" steals the hearts of Mexican kitties


Alberto the cat with an unusual "mustache" steals the hearts ...

Alberto is a handsome man from Mexico with a mustache like a true Mexican macho. No one can pass by him without admiration on the ...

In the USA, a black cat was elected mayor of Hell


In the USA, a black cat was elected mayor of Hell

No one is surprised when a cat or a dog is elected mayor of a city. Usually this means only that the locality does not need any ...

Very fat cat Wilford — almost 13 kilos of cute in search of a new home


Very fat cat Wilford — almost 13 kilos of cute in search of ...

A cat, whose belly turned out to be as charming as his personality, got into the city of Washington, USA, for overexposure! A cat ...

9 Relaxed Cats That Will Feel At Home Anywhere


9 Relaxed Cats That Will Feel At Home Anywhere

That cats can be comfortable in any circumstance and have this interesting ability to turn any place they find into a throne where ...

Most Painful Insect Stings


Most Painful Insect Stings

Entomologist Justin Schmidt has been stung more than 1,000 times by more than 80 different types of insects. It was he who ...

Fascinating story of 7 common superstitions


Fascinating story of 7 common superstitions

Even if you consider yourself an ardent skeptic, you have probably heard of one or two superstitions and may even have followed them.

The seal got into the frame while the photographer was shooting the Milky Way


The seal got into the frame while the photographer was ...

Steven Ippolito regularly shoots the Milky Way and was pleasantly surprised to find a seal in one of the perfect photos. It ...

During the journey, the dog could grow up!


During the journey, the dog could grow up!

Photographer Amanda Jones has been shooting dogs for twenty years. And after the death of her dog Lily, Amanda decided to create a ...

She saves kittens. The cutest job in the world


She saves kittens. The cutest job in the world

Hannah Shaw loves cats. No, not like that… She loves cats VERY MUCH. Hannah has devoted her life to caring for abandoned ...

They understand everything: the woman filmed a heartbreaking scene as the reluctant dogs were dragged to euthanasia


They understand everything: the woman filmed a heartbreaking ...

If you think that dogs do not understand and do not feel anything, then we will hurry to dissuade you. Animals are very easy to ...

A little—studied, but desperately funny fact - cats can synchronize


A little—studied, but desperately funny fact - cats can ...

We don't know how they do it, but these photos confirm the incredible. Cats can synchronize with each other. This is a ...

Donkey thanked his rescuers with a grateful smile


Donkey thanked his rescuers with a grateful smile

Last Sunday, Suzanne Gibbson, who lives in the south of Ireland, noticed a donkey that was stuck in the middle of a flooded river ...

Find a cat: cunning mustachioed-striped, which can not be found in the photo


Find a cat: cunning mustachioed-striped, which can not be ...

Cats are very agile animals. They can hunt, climb trees, sleep for 16 hours a day and always land on all four paws. In addition, ...

The perfect union: men and their cats


The perfect union: men and their cats

When American photographer David Williams started shooting men together with their domestic cats, he could not have imagined that ...

7 actors who see their roles as more than just reading a script


7 actors who see their roles as more than just reading a script

We love actors for their looks, talent and charisma, but we rarely question why they are the most successful of hundreds of other ...

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish


The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Probably each of us has met jellyfish while relaxing at sea resorts, and usually meeting with these underwater inhabitants does not ...

Chinese animal rights activists rescue animals left without owners due to coronavirus


Chinese animal rights activists rescue animals left without ...

While the panic over the coronavirus is on the decline in Chinese cities, quarantine is still in effect in Wuhan. The city is ...

A nursing home where elderly people and abandoned animals are taken care of


A nursing home where elderly people and abandoned animals are ...

One pet shelter in Arizona needed help because the staff could not cope with the large influx of kittens. The management made an ...

Animals caught in the act and claiming it's not what it seems


Animals caught in the act and claiming it's not what it seems

Anyway, pets have quite limited opportunities in terms of entertainment, which is why some of them are so fond of hooliganism. ...

Stunning African sunsets by Paul Goldstein


Stunning African sunsets by Paul Goldstein

Wildlife photographer Paul Goldstein has spent years trying to photograph the perfect start and end of a day in the Maasai Mara. ...

The girl noticed how a policeman at the airport takes a selfie with a service dog


The girl noticed how a policeman at the airport takes a ...

At the Texas airport, one passenger noticed how a policeman was taking a selfie with his furry partner, and showed the dog every ...

What does the real anti-mi-mi-mi look like


What does the real anti-mi-mi-mi look like

Most animals on earth are touching and cause a smile. But there are several creatures that are unlikely to cause a storm of ...

Cubs of rare animals that you have hardly seen


Cubs of rare animals that you have hardly seen

Even if you love animals, you have most likely met only a small fraction of 1 367 555 discovered animal species on Earth. ...