You frowned? Compiled a list of movies that conquers depression
Obviously, the news that hit the us during the quarantine, is not conducive to a good mood. Millions of people around the world suffer from the insidious virus, United States of unrest, and the middle East, the war continues. A great way to escape from it all — watching good and kind movies.
The journalists Collider, together with psychologists, analyzed the art and animation of recent years and built the list of those that help to overcome a bad mood and apathy.

In "antidepressant" list includes 25 films and feature-length cartoons. The vast majority of them are fairy tales and Comedy, but there are some exceptions, such as entertaining adventure pictures and even criminal tape and drama. Among the selected films there are no stupid rich base "outhouse" humor — they all have their morals and recommended for family viewing.
Group of animated films that helps to improve mood, in the top three included "Zeropolis", "Cold heart" and "Aladdin." From the movies tales of the highest therapeutic effect to show "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" and "the Princess bride".

Saved from a depression without threatening the intelligence capable of good and meaningful Comedy "Bring it on", "Stupid" and "School of rock" and crime Comedy "ocean's Eleven". As it turned out, light drama can also return the joy of life, especially if it's "Amelie", "Shakespeare in Love", "Singing in the rain" and "Rushmore".

We need to emphasize and what to watch the movies on this list need in a special atmosphere — with your family, loved ones or just good friends. Comfortable chairs and sofas, fruits, drinks, dim lights and quality sound only reinforce the positive impact of such viewing on the psyche.
Keywords: Depression | Cartoons | Mood | Viewing | Psychologist | Fun | Movies