Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

Categories: Celebrities | Sport |

Despite the bad omen, Yefim Shifrin began to be congratulated on his birthday long before the 25th. Today, the famous artist turns 60 years old, but he continues to respond to the phrase "young man." In 1990, the actor created the Shifrin Theater, which he still manages. He has long ceased to appear on humorous skits, but by no means because he has lost popularity. Audience love simply outgrew this, and now Shifrin is touring Russia and collecting full houses.

Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

If you don’t know how old the actor actually turned, the number “60” will never come to mind. In 2000, Shifrin received the Mister Fitness award from the international network of World Class clubs, and in 2006 he was awarded the Diploma of the Committee for Physical Education and Sports, the Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness of the Moscow Government for promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

Photo: Vitaly Ptashenchuk

Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

Photo: Vitaly Ptashenchuk

Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

Photo: Vitaly Ptashenchuk

Yefim Shifrin on his 60th birthday did Schwarzenegger

Photo: Vitaly Ptashenchuk

Keywords: Actor | Tour | Birthday | Theater

