Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

Categories: Health and Medicine | History |

From a medical device to a "personal back massager", the vibrator has experienced a rich and eventful history. It is now that he fulfills one goal for us — to give pleasure, and in the XIX century vibrators were used only by doctors as almost the only means to treat female hysteria — this diagnosis was made to all sexually unsatisfied women who began to behave inappropriately from anorgasmia.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

In the XX century, the situation changed — these devices began to be used for personal use, but never (hear, never!) they were not advertised as sex devices. Instead, manufacturers vaguely described the "healing properties of personal massagers" like "circulating stimulation and healthy radiant skin."

Only decades later, when female sexuality was still recognized as existing, and sex itself became not only an act of reproduction, vibrators ceased to be "back scratchers", but became what they had always been - devices for pleasure.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

What do antediluvian sex toys and Mark Twain have in common? Correctly. Arnold's massager. According to rumors, Samuel Clemens used an early model of the device for his own needs. More like a hand mixer, Arnold's massager was advertised as a "facial exfoliator that preserves eternal youth."

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

It looks like a modern hair dryer. Just don't blow. Just like all the previous ones, it was positioned as a "facial beauty product" and was recommended as a wedding gift.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

The packaging claims that this device is designed to massage "the face, scalp and body." What specific parts of the body - chaste is not specified. Unlike its predecessors, this product was much quieter and did not make the sounds of a drill working in the morning.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

Well, perhaps it was really originally conceived for hairdressers to massage the heads of clients, but ordinary citizens soon realized that "steam-u-lux" can be used in the bedroom - especially for fans of intense preliminary games.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

The super-mechanical "Endis" improved blood circulation - so the packaging claimed. Why? Because all the personal massagers sold on the market had to relieve tension in the muscles - otherwise they simply would not have been bought. But this device had a lot of very interesting attachments for all occasions.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

The world's first massager equipped with a speed controller could bring or delay an orgasm. Well, or back pain, if you used it for its "direct" purpose. In addition, it was the first device that could be used both outside and inside. However, it was not very convenient to drag him from place to place.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

Advertised as a back massager, it was the first device of its kind, the forerunner, so to speak, of the now-manufactured Hitachi Magic Wand, which, maybe, someone uses to relieve tension in the muscles, but more often it can still be seen in porn.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

The first device in the world that has become similar to sex toys that are sold to this day. In this way, the manufacturers noted that the sexual revolution has already happened in the yard and you can safely call a spade a spade… Well, or massage their feet, as it is painted on the package.

Women on the verge of hysteria: the story of a vibrator

On the territory, as you know, there was no sex for a very long time. Therefore, we produced "massagers", but for what purposes they were intended, people guessed exclusively by experience.

