Why older sister Ornella Muti, clever and beautiful, not an actress
Italian actress Ornella Muti started acting at the age of 14 and became famous with roles in movies. All my life she was surrounded by the success and adoration that she definitely deserved. But few people know that the brilliant film star has an older sister who also wanted to conquer the hearts of the audience, but it could not be known.

Born sisters Francesca (it's real name Ornella) and Claudia Rivelli is the most common Italian family, with a mother's Russian roots. Claudia was 5 years older, but apparently girls were very similar. But the character and the lifestyle was completely different.

Sisters, Rivelli look like twins
A future star of European cinema she was bold and outgoing girl that was up to the whole deal, and her sister, Claudia, on the contrary, was timid and very calm nature. Interesting, but Claudia dreamed of becoming an actress, while her sister was fond of many and a clear plan for the future you never had.

Young Francesca Rivelli
When Francesca was only 10, his father died of girls and family faced with serious financial problems. Money lacked and first decided to help his mother to pull the family is Francesca. 13 years old, she looked much older than his years, so was able to easily get at the local art school model.The girl lied that she had turned 17 and for a while everything was fine. But one day someone reported to school administrators that their best model has not reached the age of majority and a huge scandal erupted, in which were involved as the girl's mother and her school. Francesca almost excluded, but then got into the plight of her family and forgive.
Older sister Claudia
While around Francesca was erupting, the eldest, Claudia remained good and continued to dream of the movie business. One day she came across in the newspaper the announcement of the casting for the lead role in the movie and decided to try their hand.
As demure was afraid to go myself for the audition, then was asked to accompany her more sprightly younger sister, who was totally indifferent to the film industry. But it so happened that the Director was not alive and artistic Francesca, which suggested a role in the film.
Stunned by this turn of Affairs the girl refused the offer and explained that he was on the samples randomly, but the Director was persistent, and in addition offered a substantial fee. You need to immediately say that Claudia was not offended at his sister, who accidentally finds its way to the dream — on the relationship between the girls the beginning of a filmography of Francesca was not affected.Soon the sky flashed a new movie star Ornella Muti, suddenly appeared and immediately took a worthy place thanks to the beauty and talent. But as was the fate of her less fortunate sisters?
Claudia Rivelli on the poster of his only film
Claudia, despite the first failure, does not leave attempts to become an actress and continued to participate in the trial have different Directors. Once she even managed to star in the film "Two Judases", but this picture did not bring girlfriend the fame. However, the chance of becoming a movie star, the fate of Claudia provided. Sister Ornella Muti was married to a famous film producer Paulo Leone, who easily could make the wife of a celebrity.
But the girl already understood that the external data are not sufficient for success and accept the fact that nature has not endowed her acting talent. Why Claudia chose a measured family life, full of quiet home joys. She raises the children and grandchildren, takes care of her husband and always supported his famous sister. About the life of sister Ornella Muti known to very few, as it is not a public person and prefers not to draw the attention of the press on the relationship with the star.
In the Italian cinema a lot of beautiful Actresses who can adequately compete with Ornella Muti, but the Italians still consider it a benchmark of beauty.
Keywords: Actress | Gemini | Italy | Career | Beauty | Artist's model | Sister | Affinity | Standard