Why an ostrich from a safari park thinks he's a zebra

Categories: Animals | Europe | World |

An ostrich from a British safari park has problems. They're going to exclude him because the bird thinks it's a zebra and behaves accordingly. The ostrich spends all its time with representatives of the striped species, completely ignoring its own nature. From the outside, everything looks quite strange.

Why an ostrich from a safari park thinks he's a zebra

A flightless bird named Blue decided to hide its head in the sand and renounce the duties of procreation, suddenly classifying itself as a representative of the striped herd.

The ostrich is regularly seen running and playing with another zebra, with the bird appearing to eat grass and even flapping its non-existent tail — in this case, the zebra's tail.

Why an ostrich from a safari park thinks he's a zebra

A "lost" ostrich from the Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire, questioned its belonging to a particular species of creatures when it began to neglect its egg-hatching duties.

Why an ostrich from a safari park thinks he's a zebra

Ostriches form pairs for life, and they try to hatch their huge eggs equally for 46 days.

However, Blue seems to have decided to shy away from the role of the future father — instead, he began to wander along with a herd of 12 striped horses.

Why an ostrich from a safari park thinks he's a zebra

Keywords: Zoo | Animals | Europe | Uk | World | Zebras | Ostriches

