Where to go on City Day in Moscow

Categories: Holidays and Festivals |

On September 5 and 6, Moscow will celebrate its birthday! Residents and guests of the capital are waiting for more than 500 festive events - from theatrical performances and big concerts to colorful fireworks. See the guide to the most interesting events of City Day 2015.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow
Where to go on City Day in Moscow

And do not forget to congratulate Moscow on its 868th anniversary in any social network under the tag #moskvatriumphal, as Polina Gagarina, Ivan Urgant, Dima Bilan and Grigory Leps have already done.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow
Where to go on City Day in Moscow

The celebration of the 868th anniversary of Moscow will begin at 10:00 on Tverskaya Street. Some of the most interesting events will unfold here - the passage of the participants of the Spasskaya Tower festival and the Triumphal Moscow festival, which will run all day. Tverskaya Street from Pushkinskaya to Manezhnaya Square will be closed to traffic. It will have copies of eight triumphal arches, which were erected in honor of great events in the 17th-20th centuries. The platform near each arch will tell about its era. At the Triumphal Moscow festival, the field camp of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, the fine arts salon, the boudoir of Catherine II, the silent film pavilion will be recreated. Guests will be able to learn how to smelt bullets, fencing with swords, visit the lessons of styling complex hairstyles with ships and bouquets. At the venues, you can also try dishes and drinks from every era and much more. For one day, Tverskaya will turn into a time machine.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow
Where to go on City Day in Moscow

The solemn opening ceremony of the City Day will be held on September 5 on Red Square. The large-scale performance will be made in the style of a retrospective, telling about the main events in the life of the capital and all of Russia, about Moscow - the hero city. And at 13:00, the anthem of Moscow will be played at all venues of the celebration, which will become a symbolic start to the celebration of the birthday of the capital.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow

The 4th Festival of Theatrical Art and Creativity "Bright People" will be held on Neglinnaya Street. The festival is dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia and will present 10 theatrical premieres in urban format, the world premiere of the Remue Menage Theater Company from France, performances, art installations, master classes and carnival processions.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow

One of the largest programs will unfold on the Boulevard Ring. Each of the boulevards within the "Creative Moscow" will present its program. Gogol Boulevard will become literary. Nikitsky Boulevard will present a song program, Tverskoy Boulevard will be a dance program and, in addition to master classes, will offer programs from the Moscow Ballet Theatre, New Ballet plastic ballet, artists from the Mosconcert and the Moscow Music Hall. The program of Strastnoy Boulevard will be held under the sign of theater-goers. Petrovsky Boulevard will give guests a massive plein air. On Rozhdestvensky Boulevard there will be costumed performances of actors and informative historical excursions. The program of Sretensky Boulevard will be held under the sign of folklore. Chistoprudny Boulevard will present an extensive musical program. On Pokrovsky Boulevard, performances by student theaters await guests. And on Yauzsky Boulevard there will be an opportunity to look at Moscow through the eyes of an engineer: everyone will be taught to distinguish Art Nouveau from Baroque and will be told about different architectural styles.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow

The festival-concert Metro on stage will be held on Bolotnaya Square. Within the framework of the festival, the winning bands of the competition of the same name, which were chosen by an expert jury and readers of the Metro newspaper, will perform. The first day will end with the performances of the Zveri group and the joint project of Nikita Presnyakov and Multiverse.

Where to go on City Day in Moscow

At 22:30, fireworks will begin throughout Moscow. The program includes 12 high-altitude fireworks launch points and 19 city parks: Northern Tushino, Babushkinsky, Sokolniki, Izmailovsky, Perovsky, Kuzminki and many others.

Keywords: City day | Events | Moscow

