When your dad is the god of photoshop

Categories: Children | Positive |

As a child, miracles and discoveries happen at every step, even if you don't remember it now. But the Dutch photographer Adrian Sommeling captures the magical moments of childhood in his photographs, so that not only half-forgotten memories, but also live photos remain from them. With the help of his youngest son, Sommeling recreates the world around him in photographs as each of us could see it at the age of eight.

On the Internet, these works are very popular, because there are many people who want to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Sommeling has been engaged in professional photography for only a few years, but his experience as a web designer and thorough knowledge of the capabilities of the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor allow him to "transform" ordinary pictures into such memorable images.

When your dad is the god of photoshop

When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop
When your dad is the god of photoshop

Keywords: Adventures | Family | Son | Photoshop

