What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

In the Dutch Vlissingen is equipped with the new yacht of the Russian billionaire Oleg Tinkov. Seeing the prototype yachts ice class SeaExplorer in 2016, Tinkov has become the first customer for its manufacture by the Dutch shipyard Damen.

What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

The 75-metre yacht was launched in June 2019. It is planned that to the customer it will be passed in the fall of 2020 after its complete equipment.

What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

In September 2020 Tinkov is determined to show his new acquisition, named La Datcha, at the yacht show in Monaco.

Immediately after this, the boat is able to make expeditions to the most remote corners of the planet, will embark on a tour in which everyone can join to rent a yacht.

What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

Annual route La Datcha as follows: the Mediterranean and the Maldives, South-East Asia and Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and Chukotka, Alaska and Central America.

What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

Tinkoff plans to spend on the boat 20 weeks of the year, and the rest to rent it for € 740 000 a week, plus the advance provisioning allowance of 30%.

What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov
What will be the yacht La Datcha billionaire Tinkov

Keywords: Billionaire | Monaco | The yacht

