What is food porn?
Writer and culinary specialist Stalik Khankishiev says: “Pornography is the display of sexual behavior in literature, images, sculptures, films, etc. in order to cause sexual arousal.
Food and sex are equally important for the continuation of the human race. Therefore, talking about food and sex has the same exciting effect on a person - instincts work.
Until today, I have talked exclusively about cooking, but almost never talked about eating it, finding this process too intimate. Also, I didn't know how not to cross the fine line between food erotica and food pornography and not be disgusted by the physiology."
(Total 14 photos)
Source: Journal/stalic
1. Today I present to you the first experience in this area, a story about how to eat Ferghana pilaf.
I taught this pilaf to cook, it seems, everyone already wants it. As a last resort, read a new book (don't ask when it's coming out, please) and everything will fall into place. But I see that many people have no idea about the rational use of pilaf, which is where all the talk about the “harm” of this wonderful dish stems from.
2. Start cooking pilaf - make tea. Drink two or three bowls of green tea and continue to drink further, but with dried fruits, nuts, or even just sugar, until you get drunk. This process can be combined with the preparation of products: slicing vegetables and meat, sorting rice, and so on. Tea will free the stomach, and a small amount of dried fruit or sugar will slightly reduce the appetite, which is not at all out of place - after all, there are still three hours before the pilaf and some rather severe tests!
3. The first test - roasts from tail fat. When you start cooking pilaf, they will be the first to be ready.
Not to try them is just stupid, they are so delicious. But if you eat them without preparation with the help of tea with dried fruits and sweets, then there is a danger of not holding on and eating them already.
On the other hand, do not think that roasts are excessively fatty foods. Look in the cauldron - what's left there? Fat? OK it's all over Now. Fat is there, and in properly prepared roasts it is predominantly connective tissue, protein, in other words. But if there is some fat left, then there is nothing harmful in it, especially since you will eat this sandwich with onions and bread, and it would be nice also with sumac. Onions and sumac help digestion, so, God willing, by pilaf you will be fully armed with a good appetite.
4. Yes, yes, I know what readers remember best from my first book!
Maybe, maybe a little.
It was no coincidence that I put two glasses on the dastarkhan - this is the norm, but it would be better to divide it for two.
Honestly, this is enough for a good mood, because getting to pilaf drunk to smithereens is just stupid. If you need pilaf as an appetizer, the taste of which is no longer important, then sausage is cheaper and does not require so much time. If you want to appreciate the taste of pilaf, if you treat it like a work of art, then don't get drunk this time, drink only for a good mood. You wouldn't go to a classical music concert drunk, would you? And pilaf is just a classic!
5. Put fruits and grapes on the table while you cook pilaf. Now is the time for them! It became boring - I ate a grape, there was nothing to do - I peeled an apple, cut it into slices and treated the interlocutors.
6. Pilaf is ready? The shakarop should also be ready. There is nothing simpler than this salad: very thinly sliced onions, thinly sliced tomatoes, a little green chili if desired. Salt and stir before serving. At the bottom of the cash register with properly prepared shakarop, quite a lot of juice should form, in fact it is called “shakar ob” - sweet water. This sweet water works better than any mezim, I assure you! A small amount of green chili is so simply useful, and that's it.
But look at the plov. Rice, carrots, small pieces of meat, a whole head of garlic, a whole pod of hot pepper, quince, if in season, and that bone with meat that was fried first. How to eat it? Best of all - from the main dish, on which pilaf is served. During the steaming of rice, you can cover it with this particular dish, and the dish will warm up and the pilaf on it will remain hot longer. Arranging pilaf on portioned plates cools it, and this is absolutely no good! Pilaf is good only hot.
To make it pleasant for your companions to eat with you from one dish, do not scour the whole pilaf, but eat only on one side, from the segment that is closest to you. Where to begin?
7. Of course, not from meat, not from garlic, and not even from pepper. All these products are important components of pilaf, but without any of them, pilaf will still take place, and the main product of the classic pilaf is rice. Here is the rice and you have to try it first!
1 tablespoon of rice, try not to get as many carrots in it. 2 Another spoonful of rice. Got the taste? 3 Let's have a spoonful of chacarope, now is the time to whet your appetite! 4 A spoonful of rice with a small piece of meat. How do you like the chord? 5 Once again! Reprise to remember its sound.
8. A head of garlic is disassembled into cloves by one person, most often a cook. If you trusted his hands while he was cooking, then trust again, I hope? After all, sitting down at the table, everyone washed their hands, right?
9. Now you can alternate rice with other ingredients.
1 With a piece of meat. 2 Choose a few barberry berries - after meat, sourness is so appropriate and changes the very tone of the dish! 3 Another chord of rice, meat and carrots. 4 Onion and tomato salad. 5 And now the unexpected combination of rice and carrots with the sweet and sour taste of quince - the chord is even more complicated.
10. The meat falls from the bone itself, but if necessary, it can be cut with a knife into pieces slightly larger than those that were cut from the pulp. If everyone is at the table, then the meat can be broken into pieces with your hands, and even with a spoon.
1 After a strong taste of quince - rice and carrots. 2 Return to the main chord - rice, carrots, meat. 3 We alternate - you can’t eat meat alone all the time! 4 A small piece of meat and barberry - this combination has not yet been. 5 A large piece of meat from the bone is fried deeper, it has a different taste, but it is better to eat it with rice, and not separately. You can add a little hot pepper.
12. Chili peppers should not be bitten off, it will turn out too spicy. Seeds from the pod are best not eaten at all.
Break off the nose of the pepper, the flesh will be exposed. Pepper pulp the size of a match head is enough for a spoonful of rice, or you can squeeze a little pulp onto the edge of the dish in front of you and dip rice into it every time you want spicy. One pod of pepper is enough for six to eight people, because one or two spoons of hot pepper is more than enough. Pilaf is not a dish about pepper!
1 Eat rice and meat, it would be nice to have shakarop, but together with pepper to refresh the impressions .. 2 And, slowing down, half a spoonful of rice and a small piece of meat. 3 Half a spoonful of rice and a piece of quince. 4 Shakarop, but already with juice. 5 Seems to be enough. But one more spoonful of rice to remember the taste of pilaf.
14. Three hundred, three hundred and fifty, maximum four hundred grams of pilaf accompanied by shakarop is more than enough food to feed a healthy man. Of course, you can stuff more into the stomach, but why?
Pilaf is a fairly high-calorie dish, you just ate proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a reasonable proportion, you consumed fiber and vitamins, and even if it seems to you that twenty spoons did not saturate you, you will change your mind when you drink green tea and eat something then from the remaining dried fruits.
But most importantly, after a well-cooked and properly, wisely eaten pilaf, there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach and drowsiness in the head. Pilaf is a dish that is eaten before making love. Pilaf is a way to continue life, not a means for obesity.
Bon appetit!